Hey guys, my name is Stephen.

I lost interest in Modern War's endless and stressful events a couple months ago, and I've been camping in my faction and helping them buy the remaining bonuses. Now that all of them have been bought, there is no purpose in me staying in the faction, and therefore no purpose in me playing the game.

Rather than quit and let my base rot (I will never sell or give my account away, so don't bother asking), I want to make a difference for a small faction using my ~270M IPH. I'm looking for a small group of players who have a small faction and are struggling to buy bonuses and need help.

If you are interested, send me a private message on this website and we will talk there first. To be considered, your faction MUST use group me to communicate (sorry, no exceptions). Makes it easier for me because I've been using the app for years now. I ask that you tell me a little about your faction history in the private message, and provide the following stats:

Top ____ in WD
Number of players in faction and total capacity
Attack/defense bonus progress for each unit type
Income boost progress
Health regen progress

I'm looking for factions that really need help buying even the first couple levels of bonuses. I'll send you a link to a group me chat group/my email for a group me direct message if your faction seems like a good fit after that. I look forward to hearing from some of you soon!