02-24-2015, 12:56 PM #1
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War of Nations Weekly Feedback (02/24/15)
Hello War of Nations Community!
This thread is for you to post your valuable feedback on War of Nations. Every Tuesday we will sticky a new weekly feedback thread so you can conveniently post your opinions on the game. This thread will not only give you an easily accessible place to share your thoughts with us, but it will also consolidate your feedback making it more efficient for Community staff to gather and report to the Development Team.
When providing feedback, please keep it constructive, on-topic, non-inflammatory, and break it down into the following categories:
In-Game Events
Customer Support
Community Support
Game Stability & Issues
Please note that this thread is not a substitution for reporting bugs and issues to Customer Support.
Thank you,
The GREE Community Team
02-26-2015, 10:47 AM #2
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Game issue: On the deployed section when i click on my base it sends me to the base i attacked, and when i click on the base i attacked it sends me to my base. Its the wrong way round.
Last edited by SuperNoodle; 02-26-2015 at 10:51 AM.
02-26-2015, 01:02 PM #3
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This is cause your tropps are returning SuperNoodle, just click the opposite when troops are on way back... Call it a traditional gree glitch
02-26-2015, 01:57 PM #4
This Holdout was a bit better, with third place receiving prizes. It functioned properly, with not many glitches. Thank you GREE for listening to the players.
There is still more to learn about the satcom system, but it was a good implement by the developers! It certainly mixes things up now in terms of building upgrades.
02-26-2015, 06:48 PM #5
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You have destroyed the SH event Gree by not allowing the holding Alliance to see incoming waves. Nice Brain Fart Gree you have spoilt the most popular event
02-26-2015, 07:04 PM #6
02-26-2015, 07:37 PM #7
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The SH does not have a radar so why should you be able to see the incoming attacks? Did not make sense that you could see all the details before. There needs to be some consistency around the game mechanics. Ooo perhaps one of these new satellites thingys could be launched above the SH. That'll be $100 bucks thanks Gree (I will choose the currency after you pay haha).
02-26-2015, 08:19 PM #8
02-26-2015, 11:20 PM #9
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I spent $350 dollars trying the get the vega recruit from the mission quests! I purchased 3 $100 commander bundles an only received 2! During the purchase the game froze and through me out! Once i got back into the game the 15000gold 12 coms an items where nowhere to be seen yet my money was gone? Still waiting for a response! Maby i just shouldn't spend money on GREe anymore?
02-27-2015, 05:07 AM #10
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That's right... Don't ever spend money on GREEdy games just to get a good comms... I spent about $1300 just to get an Augustus Recruits in the lock box event... But only 1 more left meteorite... Gree still didn't gave me that Augustus... I've email Gree several times... And until now still no response at all from Gree...
02-27-2015, 08:12 AM #11
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Can you confirm if the 50M BP Mission has been extended or if it ends? I've been putting off collecting BP missions for months now not knowing if they end.
There is also an issue with commander energy regeneration and the display of energy, for example:
firstly, when energy regenerates and a commander is already in air, why doesn't that commanders energy regenerate?
secondly, majority of the time there is a problem with energy bar display, it shows the commander as having full energy, you send the commander on a trip and when he returns the energy wasn't full, the other commanders who also showed full energy at same time are now showing as not having full energy, a min later the commanders who weren't in the air their energy regenerates to full and the one(s) that were used don't regenerate energy.
I'm sure I'm not only one with the above issues
02-27-2015, 09:00 AM #12
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The introduction of satellites as rewards for hitting NPC CC's appears to mean massively reduced odds of getting power cells.
Is anything being done to redress this balance? Power cells and expirementals are already incredibly frustrating and a reason why people leave the game... don't make it worse...
02-27-2015, 09:36 AM #13
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During Cross World, is there any reason why we are unable to select our own top 5 commanders rather than Gree doing it for us? Just like how we set defence leaders we should have the ability to select our own top 5 commanders.
To explain why, I may have a specific army i.e. mech heavy therefore it makes no sense for me to have commanders with air traits in my top 5 when I need commanders with mech traits.
It would also be helpful to understand what your current method of selection is, I know leadership is part of it but what else?
02-27-2015, 10:02 AM #14
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No that i could handle, i payed $100 and didn't get any gold bars?
02-27-2015, 10:31 AM #15
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The small things in life.
I have a couple of things that would improve playing the game
Notifications when an alliance message is posted
Ability to see per member last logged on in alliance
Ability to see per member weekly alliance donations
Link user name to Homebase for alliance members