Are you sick of spending hundreds of dollars and wasting every weekend mindlessly tapping buttons for armor that becomes obsolete in six months? Are you tired of rich 12 year old cyber-bullies forcing you to strip into fusion armor rather than equipping your hard earned Epics? If so, Dawn of the End (DOTE) is here for you!

DOTE is a guild of highly active, social, mature F2P members who remember the true meaning of games; to be played, not paid. Our guild typically ranks in the top 100 or better in events simply through the activity and enjoyment of its members, and not off a gem prerequisite.

If you're looking for a laid back, entertaining guild, look no further than DOTE! Honor before gems; fun before funding GREE.

Contact us via line:
Deathinprogress: GM
Postulax: GC
Congene: HC
kluster****: HC
goose10191: GS