Rising Phoenix
is recruiting

Syn-Code 341 920 707

Top 75 team is looking for good players to fill a few seats.

About us:
We finished all SLTQ with enough time left to work on LTQ
We completed RB, last time more than two days before ending
We finish all days of EB
We finished last battle on rank 72
We finished the battle before on rank 73
We are a happy, laid back and drama free family

We ask for:
At least 200m att
We require 30k ip min in battles (except wall hitters)
200 uzi for RB
4 x IPH donation per day, we want to be ready when GREE will creat new bonuses
Donating all bricks
Activity in all other events

Gold is optional. Some of us use gold, but it's entirely up to you.

We use GroupMe for communication and it is essential to be active on GroupMe especially during events!

Let's talk details in our Meet & Greet Room on GroupMe.

Rising Phoenix Meet and Greet on GroupMe.
