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Thread: Modern War Weekly Feedback (02/10/15)

  1. #31
    Member Since
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    They would have to make decorations visible first. It's only been three years that's been broken.

  2. #32
    Verbose Veteran
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    This thread makes my eyes roll.
    Did they not have a long enough list of things that don't work or questions that need answering already? Why must they always start new threads to make it look like they are the ones iniating things?

    Shame they can't stand by what they say either.

  3. #33
    Steady Scribe Konan-Barbarian's Avatar
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    Money buildings do not show the money bag when they become collectible while on the home base map.

    You start game, after opening screens you have money buildings to collect, with a money ready icon over them. These collect fine. You wait, any period of time. Next if any other money building with the exception of the 5 minute supply depot, becomes collectible it will blink (like a screen refresh), but no money ready icon appears. If you are not watching screen, which you can't do for buildings off screen, you don't know they are ready to collect. Except over the supply depot (5 minute timer) which always appears. So you have to tap the ones you think are due or leave home base to another map and come back and then the money ready icon is visible over those buildings, but here's the thing, this takes time and throws things off schedule, yes a few seconds every day makes things worse. I like to collect on a specific schedule at set times, quickly and then move on to another game. In conjunction with this, the big honkin red collect all button does not appear when a building comes collectible, until you tap on one and then it will appear if there are others collectible. I don't like that button anyway as I sometimes leave specific buildings uncollected until their next scheduled time on my schedule to get hem in-sync with other buildings I collect at a specific time. also I think the collect all throws the times off a few seconds making things worse, so I don't use it. I've played for years not getting more than a minute off schedule over 6 months. Now it's like a minute a week and hard to keep resyncronizing my schedule.

    This is as if the money ready symbol is place over the building and then the building is refreshed, hiding the money ready symbol, hence the flicker, as if they are calling the subroutine in the wrong order, a timing issue.

    In addition to this, if any construction building, upgrading building or developing land grid becomes done, the screen does not update showing the completed whatever, no message 'whatever complete' in yellow scrolls up the screen and the yellow construction or upgrade sign does not go away. you have to leave home base to another map and come back to see the proper whatever.
    KA - Konan of Bloodbath and Beyond - 646-557-670.

  4. #34
    Verbose Veteran
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    Epic boss :
    Now too difficult for 75% of players

  5. #35
    Consistent Contributor Bambamgunz's Avatar
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    Can You please turn LIMITED TIME (1/4 turn) Square instead of diagonal covering lvl individual and faction progress like it currently does!!600.jpg
    Last edited by Bambamgunz; 02-14-2015 at 01:45 AM.

  6. #36
    Articulate Author
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bambamgunz View Post
    Can You please turn LIMITED TIME (1/4 turn) Square instead of diagonal covering lvl individual and faction progress like it currently does!!600.jpg
    Yeah I +1 this!!

  7. #37
    Articulate Author
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    gree are the bug in cc and mw. get rid of staff who do not know how to program or test before dumping out broken sh.t and things might work again.

  8. #38
    Articulate Author
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    Updated to the latest version 5.0.2 and content version of mw_20150213_47016. Every few hours being kicked out by MW. Need to re-log in.

    Also, whenever logging in need to kill all apps from the background. Pls solve the log in issues.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bambamgunz View Post
    Can You please turn LIMITED TIME (1/4 turn) Square instead of diagonal covering lvl individual and faction progress like it currently does!!600.jpg
    Better yet, remove this box... All the green shaded boxes are limited time

  10. #40
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    Cut down on how many events are run. It is way to many and it feels like work to do them. If a game feels like work it is no longer fun.

  11. #41
    Consistent Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by MW Flake View Post
    They would have to make decorations visible first. It's only been three years that's been broken.
    OMG YOU KNOW ABOUT THE DECORATION BUG ON IOS a...?.?.?.?,, I love you lol I been complaing about that for years. Lmao
    AND CLEM, here some reviews... Under

    Game play--- or what ever list.
    Why can you not simply read the list we currently have for you, instead of posting this every week and starting new? The comprehsinve list of bugs and issues and hacks and lags and cheats and everything under the sun is already there for you, you simply have to utilize what we have created for you. (WELL BIG PROPS FOR ANDY2 for compiling it and updating it)

  12. #42
    Master of Musings Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clementine View Post
    Hello Modern War Community!

    This thread is for you to post your valuable feedback on Modern War. Every Tuesday we will sticky a new weekly feedback thread so you can conveniently post your opinions on the game. This thread will not only give you an easily accessible place to share your thoughts with us, but it will also consolidate your feedback making it more efficient for Community staff to gather and report to the Development Team.

    When providing feedback, please keep it constructive, on-topic, non-inflammatory, and break it down into the following categories:

    • In-Game Events
    • Customer Support
    • Community Support
    • Game Stability & Issues

    Please note that this thread is not a substitution for reporting bugs and issues to Customer Support.

    Thank you,

    The GREE Community Team
    Just curious but what happens to these threads on the following tuesday and does someone actually read this and pass on the comments? I realize you are swamped, and it is the weekend but since posting the opening comment you've gone silent which is one of the biggest complaints we the players have been posting.

    It kind of makes us think this is just another waste of time which is a pity since opening up better dialog is crucial to the survival of this game.
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  13. #43
    Verbose Veteran good gawd noooo's Avatar
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    I agree more responses and quicker responses or updates or pending repairs would be very beneficial to the feeling of the players. there is a very long list perhaps during the weekly updates you can split the list of repairs done with list of old issues still pending thus giving players a sense that these issues are being addressed

  14. #44
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    And the last time we had a weekly update was when?

  15. #45
    Articulate Author East Coast Bias's Avatar
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    Please stop *****ing and keep the thread constructive.

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