Kingdom Age FAQs!
Kingdom Age FAQs
How can I change the name of my kingdom or character name?
For a small gem charge, names can be changed in-game by visiting your Profile page. Click on the "Edit Name" button under your current name and invite code. Type in your new name. Please keep in mind that names can only be 20 characters in length, including spacing, and must be consistent with our Terms of Service. Failure to abide by these terms will result in your name being changed, with no refund of the gems paid.
How do I switch my class?
You currently can't switch your class, but this may be changed in the future!
Can I reallocate my skill points?
Yes, for a small gem charge you can purchase a Skill Sheet which resets your skill points and allows you to reallocate them.
How are my stats calculated?
For every ally you have (up to 500), you can bring 3 army units to battle. Also, each ally will be equipped with one weapon, one armor, one head piece, one foot piece and two artifacts. The total attack and defense of your best units, the attack and defense of all your ally's equipment and your hero equipment determines your stats going into battle.
Why hasn't my energy or stamina completely refilled yet?
There is a cap on how much your energy or stamina may refill. For energy, it is 1000. For stamina, it is 50.
I don't see any arrows indicating which missions I should do. How do I find out?
If there is a mob you need to attack in order to complete a goal, that mob will be indicated with a green arrow. To complete mastery of an area, you simply need to defeat a set number of mobs. This number is given at the bottom of the screen when in that area, next to the area name and level.
How do I remove money from my vault?
Money is automatically removed from your vault when purchasing something. Money in your vault can't be taken when you're attacked by other players.
What is honor?
Honor is used as a form of currency to purchase certain units and equipment.
How do I get free gems?
Other than the 10 gems all players start with, all gold must be purchased through our in-app store or through offers by third party companies such as Tapjoy, AdColony, or SponsorPay.
I am missing data! (Newly constructed buildings, current events, newly won items) Where did it go?
Sometimes devices revert back to an earlier set of data instead of using the most current information provided by our servers. To check if this is true, go in-game to Menu> More> About. There you will see a data version beginning in ka_20##, such as “ka_20161128_5”. The current data version will be no more then a week off of the date you see included in the data version title.
If you see yourself on an older version, this is easily fixed. Simply turn your device off and on again. When you next log into the game, the most current data will be downloaded from our servers.
I signed up for something and didn't receive anything for it!
All of our offers are provided by a company called Tapjoy and they have a support system in place for cases like this. Their staff is more than happy to investigate any issues pertaining to these advertisements. The easiest way for you to get a hold of Tapjoy is through the support links which they provide in each of their platforms. If you are using the in-app version of the Marketplace, you can reach them through the "Missing Points?" link at the bottom of their list of offers. If you are going through Tapjoy.com, please go to the "Contact Us" link at the top-right corner of the page. From there, you can fill out the support/info form to submit your issue. No matter the route, your issue will get to their support team who will respond to you as quickly as they are able.
How do I delete or reset my account?
We do not currently offer that service, but we may add this feature at a later date.
How do I transfer an account?
If you still have your old device, please open the game and link your game account with your Game Center account. You must be logged into Game Center prior to opening the game in order to do this. If you are not prompted to link your game account upon opening the app, please go to Menu > More > Manage Accounts. You will be given you two options: “Link iOS Device” and “Link Different Device”. Select “Link iOS Device”.
Before launching the game on your new device, make sure that the device is logged into the same Game Center profile as your original device. Load Kingdom Age on the new device and complete the initial tutorial. After completing the tutorial, go to Menu > More > Manage Accounts to link the new low-level account with your Game Center. You will be given you two options: “Link iOS Device” and “Link Different Device”. Select “Link iOS Device”. You need the account currently on the device to be linked to Game Center to begin the transfer process.
Back out and then go in again to Menu > More > Manage Accounts. You should see now two buttons: “Select Accounts” and “Link Different Device”. Select “Select Accounts” to get the Account Selection popup. You should now see all accounts linked to your Game Center profile. Select the account you want to transfer to this device. After selecting the account, you will be prompted to restart the game. Close the game completely and reopen it. You should now have the selected account on your device!
How can I transfer if I lost my old device?
If you do not still have your old device, please send in a support ticket with as much of the following information as possible:
(Please note that we cannot transfer between iOS and Android)
-Your original and new device types
-Your old character's invite code (the 9-digit player ID associated with your game, which can be found under your profile)
-Your old character's exact name (case sensitive) and last known level
-Your last known login of your former character
-Any copies of gold/gem purchases made through iTunes (Note: receipt information is only for purchase verifications once we are able to finally locate your original game (in the event the original game data was lost). We are unable to locate a lost account based solely on in-app purchases.)
-The invite code of the new character showing up on your new device (should be around a level 1 when you first install the app)
Do you support Jailbroken devices?
GREE games are developed to function along with your device's system specifications. Alterations to a device through hacking and/or jailbreaking can lead to unforeseen issues. In such a case, we cannot support the game on the device.
You can read more about the possible negative effects of jailbreaking on Apple's support page: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht3743
Items, Units and Buildings
What is the difference between equipment and army units?
Equipment are items that you equip to your character and your allies to boost your personal stats. Army units are what you bring with you to a fight. Unit stats and ally equipment stats are added to your own equipment stats to form your overall strength.
What are the different pieces of equipment?
There are 5 equipment items in Kingdom Age: head pieces, foot pieces, armor, weapons, and artifacts. Your character can equip 1 head piece, 1 foot piece, 1 armor, 1 weapon, and 2 artifacts.
How do I equip or change my equipment items?
Go to the Hero tab of your Profile and tap on the slot for the item type you wish to equip. This will take you to the selection screen, which will show you all available equipment that fits that type. Select the item of your choice and select “Equip”. If you already have an item equipped for that slot, a comparison screen will show you the currently equipped item and its stats vs. your selection.
How do I add equipment to my army units?
The game will automatically equip each army unit brought to battle with the 5 equipment items: 1 head piece, 1 foot piece, 1 armor, 1 weapon, and 1 artifact. Equipment is selected based on its stats.
Do I have to equip all my items manually?
You can choose for the game to equip your best items automatically. Your “best items” are the ones with the highest combined attack/defense stats.
Some of my items have bonuses. How does that work?
Bonuses will only be available when the associated item is equipped on your hero.
Where can I get more units?
Units can be purchased in the Units section of the in-game Store. They are also often goal and event prizes.
Why did the unit I purchased not raise my stats by the full amount?
For every ally you have (up to 500 max), you can bring 3 army units to battle. When you buy a unit with better stats, it replaces one of those battle units. The difference between the newly purchased unit and the replaced unit is how much your stats will increase. For example, if you have a unit with 1 attack and 1 defense, and you replace it with a unit that has 1 attack and 2 defense, you will only see your stats increase by 1 defense.
What is the maximum number of buildings of a certain type I can own?
You can only have up to one of each unit building and boost building at one time. You can have two of each money building, and five of each defense building. After you reach the max for a particular building, it is removed as an option from the store.
How much does it cost to repair one of my buildings?
It doesn't cost anything to repair a building.
What's the maximum level my buildings can reach?
Most buildings have a maximum level of 10, though some select buildings have been raised to 15.
What is a defense building?
Defense buildings increase your defense, which corresponds to your ability to fend off an attack made on you. These buildings also raise the defense of buildings within its area of effect.
How do I craft an item?
New items may be crafted in the Workshop. Once a Workshop is constructed, click on the building to open your crafting menu. From there you can craft any items that are unlocked.
Where do I get a Workshop?
This building may be purchased in the Unit Buildings section of the Store.
What do I need to craft?
Recipes require a combination of time, honor, gold and materials in order to craft an item. You can only craft one item at a time. Some unique items may require gems in order to craft them.
How do I get materials to craft?
You can get crafting materials as rewards from quests, events, gift packs or crates.
How do I get new recipes?
Recipes are unlocked by player level or by completing a quest or collecting a material associated with that recipe.
What are the different types of recipes?
There are recipes for hero equipment, for consumable items (like an energy potion), units, and more!
What is the maximum number of allies I can use in PvP? How does fighting other players work?
For every ally you have (up to 500), you can bring 3 army units to battle. Also, each ally will be equipped with one weapon, one armor, one head piece, one foot piece and two artifacts. The total attack and defense of your best units, the attack and defense of all your ally's equipment and your hero equipment determines your stats going into battle. Only the best equipment is chosen. Please also note that every unit (except those bought with gems) has a casualty rate, and can be lost in battle.
Why is this player able to attack me and win?
Skill points invested in attack and defense provide a behind-the-scenes bonus to your combat resolution. These benefits cannot be seen by either attacker or defender in an effort to add a bit of chance and mystery to player versus player (PvP) combat.
How can I lower an enemy's defense?
If you knock out someone's defense buildings or boost buildings, it will lower their stats until they repair them.
Why did I not win any money after attacking a player?
When you look at another player's profile, the money they have is their total amount. This includes money protected by the vault and money that is unprotected by the bank. Only unprotected money can be robbed from another player.
Where do I find the Guild section?
You can get to the Guild Screen through the in-game Menu.
How do I form a Guild?
To create your own Guild, enter a Guild Name and Guild Tag into the allotted spaces under "Create a Guild" and click "Submit". If you are already a member of a Guild, you must leave it in order to create a new one.
How do I join a Guild?
To join a Guild, click on the "Join Guild" button at the bottom of the first Guild screen. If you know the invite code of the Guild you want to join, you can enter it directly at the top of the Guild List. Otherwise, you can scroll through the list of available Guilds and send a Request to join.
I do not see the Guild I am looking for on the Guild List?
The Guild List is only able to display a finite number of Guilds. Keep checking and the name you are looking for will cycle in.
Can you join multiple Guilds?
You can request to join multiple Guilds; however you can only be a member of one Guild at a time.
How do I leave a Guild?
To leave your current Guild, click on the "Leave Guild" button at the bottom of the Guild Information screen.
How do I invite members?
Only the Leader and Officers can invite players to be members of a Guild. To do so, there is an "Invite Players" button in the bottom right corner of your Guild Information screen.
What are the ranks and what can they do?
There are 3 ranks in a Guild: Leader, Officer, and Member. The Leader can invite players and promote, demote, and remove Guild members and officers. Officers can invite players and promote members to officer status. All three ranks enjoy the boosts from the Guild Bonuses.
How and what can I donate to my Guild, and what can my donation be used for?
Players can donate gold or stones to their Guild bank. They can then be spent to buy Walls or Guild Bonuses. Only the Guild Leader can use the Guild bank to purchase walls or bonuses. If a member leaves a Guild any gold or stones they have donated remains in the Guild bank of their previous Guild.
Who benefits from Guild Bonuses?
Guild bonuses apply to all members of the Guild.
Where do I get Stones?
Stones drop from PVP matches. It cannot be stolen or bought.
What are Walls and what do they do?
Walls are one of your Guild's defenses, built with donated stones. Each Guild will start with one wall per war and it cannot be replaced during a war. Until the wall is defeated during a war, attacking players will only receive half the points possible for defeating members of your guild. Your top wall will be used up by each "war" your guild engages in, regardless of whether it was completely destroyed or not.
How does the Conquest of Kingdom map/section work in relation to the guilds?
The Guild that wins the war for a particular region will appear in the winner list for that event. Only one guild can claim that region.
What are the different types of events?
We currently have 9 different event types. There are Limited time Quests, Limited time Trials, Lockbox events, Leaderboard Lockbox events, Epic Bosses, Hardcore Bosses, Raid Bosses, Valor & Vengeance, and Conquest of Kings.
Do I have to participate in events?
Not at all! All special events are purely optional. However, in order to receive event rewards, it is necessary to actively participate.
What level do I have to be to participate in special events?
You must be at least level 10 to participate in most types of events. Limited time quest chains have their own level requirements, which vary depending upon the map areas being used.
What is the Globe used for?
The Globe is the Schedule of events containing a List of Events, the World Map, and Conquest rewards. Here you will see the event schedule, event status, and special event-specific temporary boosts for both individual and guild events. The temporary boosts listed will only be useful for the duration of the specified event. These boosts are unrelated to the permanent boosts added to unit rewards.
Limited time Quests, Individuals' & Guilds’
How do Limited time Quests work?
Limited-time Quests, or LTQs, work the same as regular goals. Players are sent to areas of the map where event targets spawn. There are individual quest chains and guild quest chains. All members of a guild can participate in a guild limited-time quest, or GLTQ.
Limited time Trials
How do Limited time Trials work?
Trials allow players to start their own 3 day limited time quests at anytime. Go to your Quest menu and select the Trials tab. From there you can select the trial difficulty and begin. Trials will have 13 levels of difficulties; they tailor to a player's level and hero strength so any player at any level can start any difficulty and play a quest at their correct level. Prizes are given out based on the difficulty selected and energy spent to finish a 3 day trial. Please Note: Once a Trial has been started there is no way to abort the mission. It must run the entire 3 days.
Lockbox & Leaderboard Events
How do event lockboxes work?
You can collect event boxes from completing jobs or by attacking other players. These boxes have a chance to open, containing an assortment of rewards. There are three ways you can open this type of box: no cost (low chance to open), using gold (average chance to open), or using gems (guarantees opening). You can attempt to open an event box once an hour, though you can make another attempt for 15 gems.
How do the lockbox odds work?
Once an event box is opened, one of several things will be awarded: money, valor, an extra ally, a unit, or the event token. Regardless of how the box is opened, the reward is randomly chosen; opening a box does not guarantee that the token will be awarded. Each token gained will reduce the chance of getting the next, although this chance never becomes zero or below zero.
Where can I find lockboxes?
Lockboxes will drop as rewards for completing ordinary jobs. They can also be stolen from other players during PVP. If there is a Boss event running simultaneously, they may also drop as loot from a defeated boss.
How are lockbox events different from leaderboard events?
Lockbox events require you collect 10 of the required token. Leaderboard events do not have a required amount. You just want to collect as many as you can to beat other players to the top of the board.
Why isn’t my rank changing on the leaderboard?
The leaderboard refreshes every 15 minutes from the start of the event to the last hour of the event. In the last hour, the leaderboard freezes on the last updated information. This is because the last hour usually holds so much activity from players working to get as many tokens as possible during the closing minutes of the event that updating the leaderboard with timely information would cause a data inflation on players' devices.
Epic Boss & Raid Boss
What is an Epic Boss?
An Epic Boss is a stronger then average enemy. Once their event is active, they can pop-up after any completed action, from protecting your money to completing a job. Every time you defeat an Epic Boss, you raise its level. The next boss you will face will be stronger and therefore harder to defeat.
What is a Raid Boss?
The Raid Boss works similarly to an Epic boss, in that you use health to defeat one instead of energy or stamina. There are two attacks a player can use to fight the boss: Quick Attack and Force Attack. Quick Attack uses 25 health and does less damage, Force Attack uses 100 health (a full health bar) and does more damage.
How do I summon an Epic Boss?
When this event is active, an epic boss is triggered by basic gameplay actions. Just play the game as you normally would and one will appear.
How do I summon a Raid Boss?
Only guild leaders and officers can summon a raid boss. Summon tokens donated to the guild can be used to summon them. The harder the boss, the more tokens it will take to summon.
How do I get summoning tokens?
Summoning tokens can be gathered as loot drops from completed jobs in areas. They also can be obtained from health refills, or be purchased in bulk for gems.
Why can't I use the tokens in my inventory to summon a Raid Boss?
You must first donate your orbs to your guild. Only orbs in the guild's inventory can be used to summon.
Why didn't I get a reward for the Raid Boss?
To earn loot for defeating a Raid Boss, you must contribute a minimum amount of damage. This amount can be found on the raid boss leaderboard. To see the leaderboard, click the "Leaderboard" button next to a summoned Raid Boss. To see what loot each boss offers, click on "Available Loot" button next to a summoned Raid Boss.
What are orbs and what are they used for?
Orbs are the summoning tokens used to summon a Raid Boss.
Where do I find the Raid Boss section?
You can get to the Raid Boss Screen through the Raid Boss icon in the bottom left of the screen.
Why can't I see the Raid Boss event?
Players must be on version 2.0 of Kingdom Age and iOS 5.0 or higher on their device in order to participate in this event.
Why can't I summon the boss?
Only guild leaders and officers can summon a boss.
Where did the boss go? We didn't defeat it!
Each boss summoned will be available for 2 hours like a normal epic boss. If the boss is not defeated during that time, the boss must be summoned again.
We already defeated the boss at this level. Why is he still available to be summoned?
The same level of the boss can be summoned and defeated multiple times.
I made an attack on the boss and killed it but I didn't get credit?
If two or more players strike the killing blow against the boss at the same time, only one of those blows will kill the boss. The other blows will not cost health to the players that made them.
How long does it take for my health to refill?
It takes 100 minutes for a player's health bar to fully refill.
We defeated the boss but our limited-time guild quest did not complete?
Guild LTQs may have a different time limit than the boss. For example, one of the GLTQs may require that the boss is defeated in 30 minutes rather than the 2 hours that the boss is available. In that hypothetical case, if the guild misses that 30-minute window, they would be able to defeat the boss normally during the 2-hour period but would have to summon the boss again to try again for the GLTQ. The requirement details of the GLTQ will be detailed in the particular quests.
Conquest of Kings
What is the Conquest of Kings Event?
The Conquest of Kings event is a Guild-oriented event where you compete to earn your guild Conquest Points. The members of the guild with the most conquest points will receive great rewards. The guild with the most conquest points at the end of the event will permanently control the region where the event is taking place and will receive a special guild bonus.
How do I earn Conquest Points?
Conquest points can be earned only by having your guild engage in battle with another guild. Once a guild has declared war, it will get matched up with another guild and the war will begin. At the end of the war, the side with the most Conquest Points wins. During a war, there are two ways to get Conquest Points: attacking members of the opposing guild and attacking the walls/castle. Players get more Conquest Points by attacking other guild members than by attacking walls but they only get Conquest Points if they win. Players will get fewer Conquest Points if they attack the walls/castle, but they are guaranteed points just by attacking. The Conquest Points players get by attacking a wall or castle are based on the damage they do, which is based on their army attack. Please note that all Conquest Points you earn will be halved as long as the rival guild's wall is still standing.
What are Walls used for?
Guilds will use one wall during every war. While that guild's wall is standing, the opposing guilds will earn half as many Conquest Points. Guilds can spend money and stones to upgrade the walls up to level 10. A wall will be consumed at the end of the war regardless of whether the opposing guild completely destroyed it or not.
What are Castles used for?
The Castle remains for players from the opposing guild to attack after the wall is destroyed. It serves no other purpose.
What is the Guild Guardian and how can I defeat them?
Each guild can set one member as the Guild Guardian. As long as the Guild Guardian remains undefeated and has at least part of their shield up, no other guild members can be attacked during a war. Once the Guild Guardian has been successfully beaten by an attack, the rest of the guild members can be attacked. Guild Guardians have a new resource called "Shield Points." Guild Guardians start out with 100 Shield Points. Each unsuccessful attack against a Guild Guardian drains 10 Shield Points from that guardian. Once the Shield Points reach 0, the Guild Guardian is considered beaten and the remaining guild members can be attacked. The Guild Guardian is chosen by the guild leader.
While the Guild Guardian plays a specific role during Conquest, it is not a separate rank in the guild. The player appointed by the Leader to the role will continue to have the same rank in the guild along with those abilities.
How do I find more allies?
Our forums have many players who post their alliance codes, visit the following site to find/post yours:http://www.funzio.com/forum/forum.ph...=64?styleid=64
How can I connect more with the Kingdom Age community?
Check us out on Facebook, our Forums, and on YouTube to stay up to date on all things Kingdom Age!
How do I message another person?
While you are in a player's kingdom, select their profile. Tap on "Comments" -> type a message in the white box -> tap "Post" when finished.
What should I do when being verbally harassed by another player?
Please report this player to us. Send us your friend code, the name of the offending character, and a screenshot.
How do I stop players from leaving comments on my wall?
If you delete two comments from the same person in a row, a prompt will pop up, giving you the option to block that player.
What does blocking a player do?
Blocking a player will prevent them from posting on your wall.
Last edited by Assault and Flattery; 11-29-2016 at 02:29 PM.
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