Gree, I thought that I read in the ADA session that there would be consideration into the increase of odds from epic+epic fusions. I would like to know if this is something that you plan to implement or not. Currently I have number of older epics that I have no intention of leveling as the EB+ armors that I have out spec them. I would like to fuse these outdated epics in the hopes of obtaining other, perhaps newer, fusible epics that may be more useful to me. I have already attempted several epic+epic fusions, but they have always resulted in 4* armors. Numerous guild members have also attempted epic+epic fusions which has also always resulted in 4* armors.

To allow for ease of answering I will formulate this into specific questions:

1.) Will Gree increase/allow the fusion of epic+epic=epic?

2.) Will Gree ever allow the small chance of of epic+epic=epic+?

Thank you for your time and consideration.