I got 9 Refusals on Christmas Eve and Christmas day before the "bonus" started. After that got tons of worthless rares. I wish I got 3 more Refusals before they ruined my chances of getting them by "improving" my chances of getting them. I kind of wish they kept the Epics out of the chests too because now I have to be angry they didn't give me one when I was content that I had finally got some UR. Sadly a level 50 Refusal is nothing compared to a level 20 Common Interest which now are everywhere. I thought I was finally going to be able to contribute in the next Alliance war but probably every Alliance will have someone with an Epic. I feel bad for the guys who spent a ton to get their Epics by winning events only now to have to face guys with level 40 and 50 ones from getting lucky in the keys.