When will this be out? I don't see it in the store yet.
When will this be out? I don't see it in the store yet.
Who's to say it'll be offered up for cash though??? Could be for gold
We didn't build a faction. We built a franchise. Veteran Forum Fighters
If you have the AR DRONE, then I don't mind hearing you complain about your stuff being devalued.
Or monkey poo
I play this game for about 2 years, missed some great buildings and glad i can buy them soon! THANKS GREE! and those "long long time players" that have all buildings, what do you want with a trillion IPH? You can have 15 if i can get 2I wouldn't care about!
So is that +1 upgrade permanent or a one time upgrade of 2 buildings?
Is the construction worker permanent? Or is it temp?
I so missed out on glitched cash that I learned about yesterday.. I hate you all lol
MW: 241-710-189 L176 1.2bil Hard Hatters
CC: 583-224-464 L108 28/25 Mystery Inc
both top something
This is great! I missed or couldn't afford a lot of buildings in the past. The construction worker will be nice even if it's a temporary boost.
These will be released on the 19th.
It is the 19th here and no buildings.
Be a little more specific
Awesome, my 8month old account appreciates this very much.
Well look at that. I can finally buy the only two buildings I'm missing. The anniversary centers. Oh wait, you locked me out of my game with this stupid Game Center fiasco.
Nemo me impune Lacessit