WD USA: Known Issues & Glitches - REPORT HERE


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Thread: WD USA: Known Issues & Glitches - REPORT HERE

  1. #1
    Verbose Veteran Kefa's Avatar
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    Exclamation WD USA: Known Issues & Glitches - REPORT HERE

    There are so many glitches right now in WD!!

    -Names not showing up in rosters - just a blank space where a name belongs
    -Names not showing up in Faction Members list - same as above, but in faction tab
    -Allies showing 0 instead of 500 in enemy roster
    -Attacks freezing and not finishing, only way to recover is to close game and reopen. Over and over.
    -Droid not showing stats correctly (!!!! THIS IS NOT MINOR!!!!)
    -Droid displays army equipment and soldier equipment reversed
    -iOS not always displaying army equipment attack stat in splash screen
    -Still many accounts are lost in limbo and need to be restored immediately before these people give up and quit altogether

    So frustrating!

    Edit... but wait, there's more:

    -Droid sometimes displays all names in enemy roster as their own name. So, if my name is Alex, in the enemy roster I would sometimes see just a whole list of Alex (and no, it wasn't vs. Army of Alex, lol)

    Edit edit... still more:

    -Not all members of the team who have scored points appear in the main WD screen. Different from above - not blanked out with a blank space, but not there at all, as if they haven't participated.

    Edit Edit Edit... additional issue and equipment type etc.

    -When doing an attack right at the end of a war, the game hangs and you have to close the game and reopen it. Like, if it's trying to process an attack and war ends before it gets confirmed, it hangs with the spinning wait symbol thing instead of getting the war results splash screen.

    My devices:
    iPhone 6, iOS 8.whatever is most current
    MW 5.0.1

    -Edit v. 4: iOS 8.1.2, iPhone 6+, MW 5.0.1
    Teammate had all equipment from iLTQ and FTLQ, but after war started he went in to his profile to edit what was equipped to his soldier. When doing so, the existing equipment disappeared, and his equipment attack stats dropped drastically in both categories, as if the only equipment he owned was the equipment applied to his soldier. Now it won't allow him to equip anything to his soldier other than what is equipped.

    Droid issues described are common to every Droid player in my team, regardless of device make, model or OS.
    Last edited by Kefa; 12-19-2014 at 03:25 PM.
    Navy SEALs (Warring Since Brazil): 133-849-473
    Militia SEALs 361-119-847

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  2. #2
    Prominent Poet DEWIN NUTTIN's Avatar
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    Why hurry, this WD's stench will linger for a week?
    Each successive hour will bring more stench and regret.
    It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

    SPEND it, if you got any left.

    Jesse “The Body” Ventura said, “Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!”

    In the words of Bobby Heenan: "The money's the same, whether you earn it or scam it.

  3. #3
    Verbose Veteran
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    When will new features be removed till game will return to be stable and playable?

  4. #4
    Steady Scribe
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    Well, apparently I have minus stats..

    So my -2b attack obviously would lose to 979m def.

    Complete crap.

  5. #5
    Consistent Contributor
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    My WD points are aren't registering...at all.

    I figured out the docbot thing, found a good target. I got 16 straight wins, BUT NONE OF THEM COUNTED!!!!

    I have logged out and back in several times. I'm still not even showing a zero. I don't even exist on my team scoreboard. What the @$%& is going on?????

    I just wasted health packs for nothing. No way am I using or buying gold for this.

    EDIT: my hits did eventually show up. Appears it was just a delay or a display glitch.
    Last edited by kmg108; 12-18-2014 at 02:35 PM. Reason: update to my issue.

  6. #6
    Articulate Author
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    They did register just a display glitch

  7. #7
    Articulate Author
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    There is an old Edwin McCain song I am thinking of right now......an has line i am l thinking of....."and I could not ask for more"
    Health Regen 35%
    infantry attack 35%
    infantry defense 35%
    Ground attack 35%
    Ground Defense 35%
    Air Attack 35%
    Air Defense 35%
    Sea Attack 35%
    Sea Defense 35%
    Building Defense 35%
    Building Output 35%
    Guild member increases + 40

    The Fisher Clan (a private invite only faction for families)

    My Id 649 796 085
    My id 716 502 654
    12.8 billion iph
    3.6 bb attack
    6.26 bb defense

  8. #8
    Articulate Author
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    Missing equipment and stats from last masters FLTQ
    Ios - go to division leaderboard and game crashes
    Ios - losing to people when my stats are twice on all 3 categories

  9. #9
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steg View Post
    Well, apparently I have minus stats..

    So my -2b attack obviously would lose to 979m def.

    Complete crap.
    thought i was the only one,...welcome to my world of minus stats lol

  10. #10
    Steady Scribe nocebl's Avatar
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    But hey, they just gave us 40% gold sale. Who cares that we are fighting blind on android devices, just buy more gold and keep tapping. Maybe you will find target to beat.

  11. #11
    Verbose Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cobra Kai View Post
    Missing equipment and stats from last masters FLTQ
    Ios - go to division leaderboard and game crashes
    Ios - losing to people when my stats are twice on all 3 categories
    The same is here.

  12. #12
    Community Manager
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    I have sticked this thread. Everyone, please report any issues you may experience here. I am communicating with the Developers on this and will provide updates as they are available.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clementine View Post
    I have sticked this thread. Everyone, please report any issues you may experience here. I am communicating with the Developers on this and will provide updates as they are available.
    In all honesty Clem, don't bother. The damage is done. There is no coming back from the havoc they've wrought. The game is in its death throes, so let it at least go on the players terms. You and the devs please, go enjoy the holiday. Let the player mods handle things from getting too out of control, but at least let what few people that are currently left say their peace without obstruction. It was a roller coaster three year run, but now the ride must end.

  14. #14
    Consistent Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by MW Flake View Post
    It was a roller coaster three year run, but now the ride must end.
    I hope it doesn't end, but I would be very happy if it did. I need someone to tear the band-aid off because I'm too weak minded to do it myself.

  15. #15
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    None of us wanted it to. I really think Gree thought this was a fantastic idea, but what ultimately matters is whether the players do, as they are the ones that fund it. Somebody really wanted to show some WOW, the only problem is that goes two ways. Unfortunately this time it's not in the direction they were looking for. Or, as some have theorized, maybe it was.

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