For some reason, people hate this event. It has to be my favorite event in the game as of now. The forums are blown up with negative threads, so here's a positive one

Prizes- What other event can you get VERY high stat items, and awesome mods for next to no effort? You can get 4 items in this event, the syndicate reward with awesome stats.. you don't even need to be in a high ranking syndicate to get a 200k stat item.. just active. I for one have a 700k defense item sitting in my stats, which is awesome. You also have the individual prize, with slightly higher modifiers than in war, and the *very easy* mafia attack mod! It's better than the raid boss prize and nearly every active syndicate can get their hands on it! And you finally have the even easier syn goals prize with a unique mod.. upgrade cost reduction? I always wanted one of those! And you really don't have to be high ranking to get that. Also, say what you guys want about the bank fees but they do add up, I have -52% and it makes a noticeable difference.

Regen- I hated this at first.. but now I don't. Think about it.. five minutes for a deploy.. you don't have to be nearly as active as you do in war and you won't waste a deploy! I can go to sleep during war and miss out on so many hits and go to sleep during SA and not miss a deploy.. It also makes people spend their deploys more wisely and gives some strategy to the event.

Strategy- This is as strategic as you can get with GREE.. the old points system was in opinion better because now it almost really is a tapping contest like in war, but you still need strategy.. even if it's only for 9 battles.

So an easy event with amazing prizes.. yet it yields more complaints than the tapping gold contest known as battles.