Quote Originally Posted by I Will Merc You View Post
What could possibly be done to be fair to all players who have suffered this current lockout?

.....too simple....

Should have axed every event during this lockout. The players who have not been locked out would not have been able to get a month head-start on the people who have been locked out, therefore, no compensation packages would be needed.

No, people who have not been locked out probably shouldn't have to pay the price for the people who have been locked out, but on the same token, players who have been locked out shouldn't fall behind in the rat race because of an error on the programmer end.

No events during crisis = no compensation packages.
Now that I agree with,some have gained an advantage while others are locked out,however some have had to do more then their share to compensate for those locked out.
Another reason compensation cannot be just for a few,the shutdown of all events while this has been going on would have been the best solution,sadly never likely to happen....