1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Patch Notes! 1.15.0!

    Hey Knights!

    We're pleased to announce the release of Update 1.15 for Android! iOS, you should see the update in a few days! This update adds a MAJOR new feature to the game, Rings and Amulets! You can now tweak your Knights attack, defense, and health by equipping Rings and Amulets. We have a lot of great stuff planned for this new feature! Look forward to more Rings and amulet content in the near future.

    Be sure to check out the Rings and Amulets FAQ in-game for more info.

    For now, Rings and Amulets are available as drops in PvE. Be sure to keep an eye out for new chests with Rings and Amulets later in the month!

    Additionally, we've increased the gem reward for connecting to Facebook from 5 gems to 30 gems!

    iOS users, you should receive the update soon! With the iOS update, we're pleased to announce Knights and Dragons is Game Center compatible! We still recommend you bind your device to your account, but now you'll be able to retrieve your account from any device by logging into game center.

    Expect more GameCenter features in the future!

    Note: Knights & Dragons no longer support iOS 4.3 or below

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Will android users be able to connect to Google+ any time soon? I'm also assuming this will cut down a bit of the hacking.

  3. #3


    When will the iOS update be out?

  4. #4


    come on gree you said a few days on friday it has been 4 days already and the update isnt out yet when it will be out on ios please say

  5. #5
    MisterT's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by annka View Post
    come on gree you said a few days on friday it has been 4 days already and the update isnt out yet when it will be out on ios please say
    It isn't up to Gree, Apple slows it down

  6. #6

    already binded accounts

    So will users who already binded their account get an additional 25 gems? No offense but how is it fair to your long standing players not to?

  7. #7


    Is it possible to fuse anything higher than a silver star ring or amulet yet?

  8. #8
    MisterT's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Ring and amulet update is on iOS

  9. #9

    amen to that

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael McRae View Post
    So will users who already binded their account get an additional 25 gems? No offense but how is it fair to your long standing players not to?

    Amen to that I disconnected and reconnected my fb to my acc several times in hopes of getting the 25...or 30 gems....no luck =:-(

  10. #10

    rings and amulets

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael McRae View Post
    So will users who already binded their account get an additional 25 gems? No offense but how is it fair to your long standing players not to?
    Quote Originally Posted by CorgiRider View Post
    Hey Knights!

    We're pleased to announce the release of Update 1.15 for Android! iOS, you should see the update in a few days! This update adds a MAJOR new feature to the game, Rings and Amulets! You can now tweak your Knights attack, defense, and health by equipping Rings and Amulets. We have a lot of great stuff planned for this new feature! Look forward to more Rings and amulet content in the near future.

    Be sure to check out the Rings and Amulets FAQ in-game for more info.

    For now, Rings and Amulets are available as drops in PvE. Be sure to keep an eye out for new chests with Rings and Amulets later in the month!

    Additionally, we've increased the gem reward for connecting to Facebook from 5 gems to 30 gems!

    iOS users, you should receive the update soon! With the iOS update, we're pleased to announce Knights and Dragons is Game Center compatible! We still recommend you bind your device to your account, but now you'll be able to retrieve your account from any device by logging into game center.

    Expect more GameCenter features in the future!

    Note: Knights & Dragons no longer support iOS 4.3 or below
    Can we expect to see some sort of fusion boost rings and fusion boost amulets in the near future???

  11. #11

    Broken System

    This update is poorly implemented and quite honestly ridiculous.

    1st.) The only rarity of ring that can drop is common(bronze star): Even if you are doing Kingdom of Darkness on Heroic mode. By then you should at least have a chance to get rare(gold star)

    2nd.) There is no rhyme or reason to Jewelry Drops or Fusion: I.e. Any element monster can drop any element piece of jewelry. If you fuse 2 pieces that both have attack you can end up with a piece that has HP and no attack.

    3rd.) Drop Rate is terrible: Something described as "common" should be easy to come by, but I sometimes do 8-10 runs on heroic mode without a single drop.

    4th.) Multiple Styles/Tiers for each rarity make it super hard to build up to good pieces by fusion: Standard Common Ring fuses to make another common ring with a design on it, then two of those finally make an uncommon ring, 2 uncommon rings w/ no design fuse to make another uncommon ring w/ a design. etc etc

    5th.) MORE broken fusion: Found out today that 2 identical rings cannot be fused. I have 2 rare water rings that both have +42 HP and cannot fuse them together to try for a better ring.

    6th.) Enhancing so far has proven useless: Leveled an amulet w/ Attack and Health on it to level 6. It only got +2 attack and no increase on HP for 5 levels!

    7th.) Jewelry doesn't transfer with armor sets or throughout a character completely: This is mostly an inconvenience, but it makes things a pain when you move armors to different characters for doing raids/pvp and also when you equip a piece in the knights screen only to go into a raid and have to re-equip the same jewelry again.

    PLEASE fix this system. Thus far I am utterly disappointed.
    Last edited by Head-Hunter Arc; 12-16-2014 at 02:56 AM.

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Are long term members going to be getting the extra 25?

    I agree that it should not be a disadvantage to be a long term player.
    In the spirit of fairness,they should reimburse the other players the 25.

    Just my 2 cents in the matter.

  13. #13
    roookey1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I agree with Headhunter's post : the ring/amulet system is a nice idea really, but the logic behind it is beyond my understanding (if there is one ). Agreeing to all 7 issues.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by roookey1 View Post
    I agree with Headhunter's post : the ring/amulet system is a nice idea really, but the logic behind it is beyond my understanding (if there is one ). Agreeing to all 7 issues.
    Thanks for the support. I just hope that the developers are paying attention.

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