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  1. #1
    Lolsies's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Concerns and Questions

    Hi guys!

    I've seen a lot of concerns and questions on the game recently in multiple threads, and I wanted the WoN community to try and bring in all their concerns to this thread. This will make it easier for developers and moderators to see what the community needs help with. These are the concerns that I know of so far:


    Concerns Addressed:
    1. Calendar for events. Popup events are annoying. --Fixed with WoN Facebook: be sure to check them out for exclusive reminders of events. Give them a like for support.

    2. Questions relating to Android version of the game being outdated--Catching up very steadily, with the recent introduction of implants and the newest iOS commanders.

    3. Concerns about league placement and rewards for certain events and leagues ex. Holdout--Fixed. I haven't heard any more complaints about this.

    Update 2-the rewards are less than on par. Sorry for the 'too good' back to 'too bad', but try and find a happy medium GREE.

    4. More player BP missions for more uranium and titanium: 50 mill limit should be increased. --Fixed

    5. Concerns about the smoothness in game (almost there).

    6. Bundles are not up to par with the price ever since the gold drop.--Getting there-gold has increased slightly)

    Concerns Not Addressed:

    1. Concerns about levelling comms and having Holdout-style 34-38 NPCs. It's getting increasingly difficult for older worlds to level comms.

    2. Concerns about resources obtained by high level people raiding low levels-lower amount gained. This creates bullying, which deters newer players from continuing to play. It will also help reduce the use of alts.

    3. Experimental probabilities are not exact-player testing shows lower percentages than 50% for higher levels. Urgent. I haven't touched my experimentals (which still need upgrading) for months because of this.

    Update-finding that it's a bit better. Just a bit. Mabye it's my luck.



    Improvements made

    1. Fix 'Watch Battle' animations-Fixed.

    2. Fix glitch involving stalled armies at 00:00 for deployed armies going back to command centers.-Fixed: I haven't heard many more complaints.

    Improvements to be made

    1. Keep the LTMs realistic-do not change anything.---Not addressed.

    2. Provide a huge bundle once a month for players looking for a deal. (growing demand)

    Update: seeing a bit more of discounts and decreased prices of bundles, but we need a bigger bundle GREE, especially for those that haven't seen a good bundle in weeks.

    3. Make some rewards regarding 10/30 merges to put those commanders to use.

    4. Dial down rewards for stronghold events in diamond-Fixed.

    5. Increase probability of successfully opening a box.

    6. Add a button showing who is online and who is not to observe player activity.

    7. Add a BP mission/event to Holdout to increase use of strategy and participation.

    8. Create a system where weaker commanders are used to increase a percentage of star meter or experience points.

    9. Tweak experimental probability to match percentage numbers for each level.

    10. Create a system of upgrades to use unused base cores.

    11. Be able to create names for army templates.

    12. Increase the amount of gold sold in bundles. Still a problem. I know the gold must match the remaining value of the stuff in the bundle, but make the money worth the bundle.

    13. Create a world that requires a 'subscription fee' for the higher level players wanting higher level competition.
    Last edited by Lolsies; 08-13-2015 at 04:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Server stability. I'm assuming there will be a fix for those of us that run out of fuel during... What appears to be... extended downtime.

  3. #3
    Energy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    box event

    Is anyone having a harder time than usual to get fossils during box events?
    I attempted to open 106 boxes today before I managed to get ONE fossil

  4. #4
    Lolsies's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Energy View Post
    Is anyone having a harder time than usual to get fossils during box events?
    I attempted to open 106 boxes today before I managed to get ONE fossil

    106 boxes.

    I don't really know what to say. Mabye a decreased probability has caused this problem?

  5. #5
    Where do I start,lots of crashes,gold lost from an instant build I didn't want,no response from emails,probability of matched comms getting harder and harder,builds becoming an near impossible cance of completing limited in w19 due too way too high uv even with multiple sbs,never mind the players without
    The game needs too make defending attacks more bp effective
    Many other multi player online statergy games manage this better
    Basic principle of Rock Paper Scissors just reward defending better,check out grepolis,it pays too defend
    Over 1 year in,won is a good game,but let down with constant server issues and winner is always the gold players
    Basic consumer response would go a long way.....
    Tuesday I put in a complaint my gold was used due to bad server issue,now it's 3 days later and still no response!!!!
    Without the friendships built up in game I would of quit many months ago

  6. #6
    Lolsies's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Now you see why I created this thread eh?

  7. #7
    What I want to ask is how exactly are these commanders obtainable in a lockbox event? This is the android version and all of the months I have been playing I have never been able to obtain one of these rewards. I have sent an email to gree before on how to obtain these commanders and all they told me was exactly what it says in the picture. I sent a response email and they just didn't reply ever again and closed the request.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Command View Post
    What I want to ask is how exactly are these commanders obtainable in a lockbox event? This is the android version and all of the months I have been playing I have never been able to obtain one of these rewards. I have sent an email to gree before on how to obtain these commanders and all they told me was exactly what it says in the picture. I sent a response email and they just didn't reply ever again and closed the request.
    Hey dude u get those prizes from opening enough to complete the ltm's , bit false advertising ifmu ask me lol

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I'm getting fed up of daily repairing of my buildings due to high levels "farming" how about stop rewarding people for greifing? it is beyond a joke, especially since the balanced and fair grouped events are gone, so top alliance once again just get OP comms while everyone else gets smashed.

  10. #10
    Lolsies's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by phalanx1337 View Post
    I'm getting fed up of daily repairing of my buildings due to high levels "farming" how about stop rewarding people for greifing? it is beyond a joke, especially since the balanced and fair grouped events are gone, so top alliance once again just get OP comms while everyone else gets smashed.
    So you are imposing a reduction of resources obtained by higher level people?

    Great idea!

  11. #11
    Plutonium 238's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Energy View Post
    Is anyone having a harder time than usual to get fossils during box events?
    I attempted to open 106 boxes today before I managed to get ONE fossil
    you are doing it wrong

    don't collect that many

    I go to 20 every box event, or slightly higher to place higher

    20 boxes runs me $110-$200

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolsies View Post
    Hi guys!

    I've seen a lot of concerns and questions on the game recently in multiple threads, and I wanted the WoN community to try and bring in all their concerns to this thread. This will make it easier for developers and moderators to see what the community needs help with. These are the concerns that I know of so far:

    1. Calendar for events. Popup events are annoying.

    2. Rumors are spreading that certain people have access to something of sorts that allows them to see the LTM reqs.

    3. Questions relating to Android version of the game being outdated.

    4. Concerns about league placement and rewards for certain events and leagues ex. Holdout

    5. More player BP missions for more uranium and titanium: 50 mill limit should be increased.

    6. Concerns about levelling comms and having Holdout-style 34-38 NPCs.

    7. Concerns about the smoothness in game.

    8. Concerns about resources obtained by high level people raiding low levels.

    Those are some concerns and questions that I have seen and thought of, feel free to add more.

    I would also add the general lack of responsiveness from the company. Are you getting any sort of personal communication from them as the player-moderator?

    It's been so frustrating for myself personally to see the complete lack of response from the company over and over again here. While we have had some successes and changes to the game have been originally suggested here on several occasions, we don't see any sort of regular postings or replies from the company.

    If they would interact more with players here, I would be willing to bet more players would be active here on the forum. Overall game play would be enhanced, and more players would continue to play. My two cents anyways...


  13. #13
    again certain players have had inside information about events from sources within gree. the knew the holdout and the ranking there in.

  14. #14
    everyone can guess what rank their alliance will be in and when certain events take place, I have no inside information but predicted this event would take place

  15. #15
    But do you also know what the next event after Holdout is?

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