Hi Folks!

My apologies that I missed this thread over the weekend, I would have liked to respond a lot sooner. I have actually been super sick (didn't even get to enjoy any turkey on Thanksgiving), but thats no excuse. While I know this thread is now closed and locked, I would like to say a couple things about why this program was created, and the selection/implementation of Moderators. Beware wall of text!

The Moderator Program was created with the purpose of helping to keep the forums a safe and fun place to be. With so many different games to handle and such a small team (now just me until we hire some additional folks here at GREE, which we are actively doing) we saw that many things, such as inflammatory and inappropriate language and posts, were slipping through the cracks. Additionally we saw many player questions being missed, and players becoming increasingly upset over a lack of response and information. The Moderators were brought on to address both of these issues.

We were aware that there might be some issues by asking people to Moderate for games they are not familiar with or do not play. In this instance all we expect from the Moderators is that they escalate threads to us, the Community Management team, when an issue needs our attention. We also expect them to help to keep the threads on topic, as well as moderate and eliminate any posts/language that is against the ToS and Code of Conduct. Some of our Moderators do like to contribute to help improve sentiment, but that is their own choice, not an expectation from us here at GREE. Remember, our Moderators are Players too, and though it may be hard to keep this in mind when their font is a different color, they are welcome, and encouraged, to share their opinions and thoughts. We are planning to bring on additional Moderators in the next week and all of the new Moderators are players of other games not yet represented in the Moderator team.

In regards to helping to answer player questions and overall communications, we know this is an area that we are still lacking in, and we do need serious improvement here. We have been working with our internal teams on finding new ways to communicate with and update the Community on a far more regular and frequent basis. For Modern War this means we will start having weekly updates from the Development Team (look for our first one coming soon), as well as more advance notice of upcoming features, and regular Ask Me Anythings. We hope that we will be able to do this for our other games as well. Additionally, moving forward the Community and Support teams will be meeting with all of the game teams on a much more frequent basis so that we can stay up to date on everything, as well as more efficiently communicate player concerns and issues. Great communication with the Community starts with great communication with our internal teams.

Finally, on the note of selecting Moderators, please keep a few things in mind. First, they are not paid by GREE, they do this because they are passionate about the Community, the games, and want to help make a better place for everyone. Second, while they do have a direct line to the Community Team, they do not have a direct line to the Development Teams. They are here to escalate issues, which we, official GREE employees, can then work on resolving with our the Development Team(s). Finally, please remember that English as a first language is not a requirement to participate in the Community, nor is it a requirement of our Moderators, though we do expect a good level of understanding of the language. Our games, and our players, are from all over the world. Please do not attack others, including the Moderators, simply because they may not understand all the subtle nuances of the language.

All that being said, if you have any concerns about our Moderators, or about anything else, please feel free to PM me directly. Do NOT attack or harass the Moderators, or anyone else for that matter, here in the forums. I know many are frustrated by the lack of communication, understandably so, but please try and keep it civil and constructive. We need everyone's help in turning things around and making this a better place to be.

Thank you.