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  1. #196

    Crescentdew Shroud

    In game look (colour):
    Another version I made (black and white):
    Please, look at both images

    Name: Crescentdew Shroud
    Elements: Spirit and Fire

    A shroud of the shadows, the Crescentdew Shroud was forged in the light of the moon, in the darkness of the night, to slice away the evil of the soul, with its crescent scythe.

    In Game Name: RECRUTINepicduck
    Guild: The Rainbow Empire
    Code: XBM - GGY - FPX

    P.S. First entry... For second entry:

    I hope you like the armor design! Thanks!
    Last edited by jetfire03; 12-19-2014 at 07:39 PM.

  2. #197


    Here is my image:

    Armor Name: FrostFire Vanguard
    In Game Name: RP Nighthawk
    Guild: Raging Paladins
    Friend Code: XBP-W-FWN

  3. #198

    Draconic Dragonmail

    Name: Draconic Platemail
    Elements: Fire/Air, Fire or Fire/Earth
    Code: XBF-HDR-BDC
    Epics: Aegis of The Sky Majesty Foregestone Aegis Runic Robes Armor of the Peacock Firestorm Vanguard Maelstorm Irons Tectonic Mantle Soulshard Necromantle Crystal Finmail.

  4. #199

    Entry 3

    This is my final entry. I am very happy with the design I came up with. If any of these armors won (not saying they are goinig to win) I would pick this one. It is called mega mech wargear.

  5. #200

    Crystal_Samarin Battle Gear

    Sir Mnsmartie
    Crystal Samarin Battle Gear
    Elements: Spirit and Fire
    Friend code: XBV-YQD-PDD

    This is the final stage. It now has two swords and a big shield. It has a more evolved helmet and armor which gives it more defense. The two swords give it a lot of attack power.
    Last edited by mnsmartie; 12-18-2014 at 03:45 PM.

  6. #201

    Cool Armor Entry

    My Entry for Contest.

    Friend Code: XBW-FXM-RRQ
    Elemant: Flame/Fire
    Armor Name: Pure Flame

  7. #202

    Dark Prince interior


    Thanks for doing all you done 😊!

  8. #203
    legalious's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Southern California
    •Prismatic Crystal Gear
    •The armor will look like a prismatic crystal (Clear/White with rainbow). It will grow in length in each stage. The weapon would be a pointed smooth crystal sword that also grows with each stage. The only visible part of the person is the eyes which should refract color like a crystal. Example of Crystal.
    •Starmetal (Star Crystal)
    Last edited by legalious; 12-18-2014 at 04:03 PM.

  9. #204

    Devil's Shroud

    Sir SB
    Devil's Shroud
    Elements: Fire and Air
    Friend Code: XBV-YXM-QXG
    The entire outside of the armor is made of glowing fire. The steel pitch fork has blazing fire around it. The shield has both elements on it to make it more powerful. The helmet is in the shape of a Viking's. There are spikes all around the armor. Inside the armor there is air and fire in it.

  10. #205

    This is my second design, I hope you guys like it!:)
    Sorry if the link doesn't work, it wouldn't let me copy it.
    Name: thief's vanguard
    Elements: rock/fire
    Friend code: XBN-YDR-BQM
    In the empty hand I would like there to be a flame effect, like it is casting a spell.
    Thanks for this awesome opportunity and good luck to all

  11. #206

    Shifter's Mantle

    Good luck everyone and here is my armor idea!

    Helmet: The helmet starts right below the nose and comes up into almost a owl shaped mask with purple feathers every so often an then comes up into a feathered crown. Gold scales and a pure white metal line the outside of the mask.

    Torso: A white metal torso with white feathers with purple tips in a line down the torso. The shoulders have HUGE golden metal feathers going everywhere on them and then the rest of the arm is made of pure white metal with purple tipped feathers hanging down from them.

    Sword: The sword begins at the base where it has a golden handle with a light purple gem on the bottom of it. The handle goes up into a circular beginning of it with another purple gem in it. Now it goes up to a white blade and at the very end of it it has two tongs.

    Shield: ( I'll make this one quick) a circular shield lined with golden feathers. In the center a purple dome with magical essence pouring out of it and surrounding the shield.

    Legs: Purple tips feathers make a kilt around the waist and only goes down on the left side to the knee. The rest of the legs look like regular white leg armor except for the knees which have three gold feather on them.

    Wow that took longer then I thought!

    Friend Tag: XBW-DCX-DHD
    Elements: Wind Spirit
    In-Game Name: Slider

    Good luck everyone and thank you for your time.

  12. #207

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Posting this again as another friendly reminder as I have had to disqualify and delete more entries.

    1. Do not steal other's artwork when you submit.
    2. Artwork is not required for a submission.
    3. You may only submit 3 designs (per person)
    4. Voting will open on the 22nd, after the ten finalists are selected.
    5. Please keep this thread limited to submissions only.
    6. If you suspect an entry is a copy or fraudulent, please PM me rather than post here.

  13. #208
    Scorched Earth Raiment
    Friend Code: WBX-CGM-CXH

    Adding another one

    Soul Flare Platemail
    Friend Code: WBX-CGM-CXH
    Last edited by Guitardobbs; 12-19-2014 at 07:22 PM. Reason: adding another armor

  14. #209

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Epic Armor Contest Entry

    Royal Bulwark
    Elements: Earth & Fire
    Friend Code: WBX-ZGG-NFP

    The armor in-game would have a scratched metal texture to it and slightly tarnished feel.
    The weapon's blade would look more of a stone texture like ruby with a ominous red glow to it.

  15. #210

    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Puryear, Tennessee

    My submission for Epic Armor Contest

    Here is my submission for the Epic Armor Contest. Thanks for looking!

    Armor name: DragonSlayer
    Elements: Spirit
    Description: Original artwork. Purple/Black armor, with dragon elements worked into design. Weapon is Dragon BattleAxe.
    Player Name: EvilNoseHair
    Friend Code: XBB-GYY-VQH
    Guild: West Minster Knights


    Good luck everyone!


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