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  1. #316

    2.nd epic

    This is my second design of knd epic armor
    Armor name:burning-ice robes
    Friend code:WBQ-PQH-YYR
    In-game name:TC ElememtalHero
    Guild:the chaos

    Hope you like it!
    Last edited by mzima; 12-20-2014 at 03:33 PM. Reason: I forgot picture

  2. #317
    Quote Originally Posted by katduCouteau View Post
    Simply Katty ~ representing and dedicated to Rainbow Alliance

    Friend Code: XBP-FWH-GMZ

    Entry #1:

    Armor Name: Asgardian Wargear
    Elements: Earth/Water


    Entry #2:

    Armor Name: ArchAngel's Fury
    Elements: Air/Fire


    Entry #3:

    Armor Name: OceanTide Regalia (WIP)
    Elements: Water/Air


    Please check out my lame deviantart page if you're bored xD
    I would like to substitute the last armor I submitted with a new one I am working on as I deemed it inadequate. [placeholder for WIP atm]
    ~ Katty, Proud Member of Rainbow Clay, Royal Cat of Sarah, Carrying Member of Rainbow Alliance ~

  3. #318
    Hello, sorry i could not make any images, but i had no time. but i did come up with some ideas.

    Entry#1 Alien StarShroud:
    A Starmetal armor, envisioned to look like an alien covered in diamond/other metal spikes. Star are also included, in the cape, and the helm. The weapon is a an orange orb with handle levitating from bottem, and random grey/yellow rocks off of the sides and top, creating an axe type look.(nothing actually touches each other) Alien part:green, everything else, a combo of black,grey,white and gold. The shield is made from a similar idea, except they form a 16 sided star. Somewhat bulky.

    #2 Dragonmetal Mantle:
    Yet another starmetal armor, thought to look like impenetrable green/red/blue/grey(/ meaning include all of these colors) scales with glimmering stars in the background. The weapon is a large mace with dragon spikes and teeth sticking out(in the aforementioned colors). The helm is draconic, and teeth are visible, with a glare in the eyes. The stars are visible in the cape, scattered around the weapon, and in the center of the chest. The shield is a star crested dragons opening its maw. Curved talons on feet. Bulky.

    #3 Grand(optional) Atmospheric Might:
    A water/air epic, with a blue, white, grey and gold color scheme. The helm is tall, and has a gold and grey visor with vertical lines. The eyes are outlined blue, and pure white on the inside. The armor is mainly blue and white. There are multiple rings of air surrounding various parts of the body. A shield of teardrops and clouds is there as well. The main weapon is a doublesided "javelin". It is gold where the blade meets the handle on both sides. The blade on one side is a thunderbolt, and the other side a multitude of water droplets, gold and blue respectively. The middle is a raincloud. More thunderbolts are in various areas of the armor. The cape is studded with rainclouds and thunderbolts. Bulky.

    Friend Code: XBC-BXQ-PXW

    Name: Xavier RwS

    Thank you!!

  4. #319

    Armor Submission

    Armor: Skull Shroud
    Elements: Spirit/Air
    Friend Code: WBB-CVD-BXZ

  5. #320

    Last edited by Andrew Wilson; 12-21-2014 at 06:01 AM.

  6. #321


    Quote Originally Posted by Evcrynne View Post
    Silvernail Wargear

    Griffin themed armor with feathers and wings. Hooked claws on both arms for its weapon.

    Elements: Earth/Air

    Shadow Platemail

    Completely black armor and helmet with red showing through the grates in the faceguard and seams in the armor. The weapon should be an all-black flail with red highlights with a round ball and dull spikes. There should be a circular black shield with concentric circles of the same red showing through, and a short spike matching the ones on the flail in the middle.

    Elements: Fire/Spirit

    Centaur Battlegear

    Red and gold armor with horse hooves for feet transitioning into human torso and arms with one sword in each hand. Helmet has flowing plume of horse hair.

    Elements: Earth/Fire

    Friend Code: WBH-QMZ-BCN
    I like it! Now here are my 2:

    Gale Robes: Mono Air

    Description: All gray armor with a staff for its weapon. The staff has a cloud at the tip, with wind coming out of it. A shield with Cumulo Nimboss on it is present along with some clouds surrounding him. Chestpiece has a X made from
    thunderbolts and is a very light white. Headgear has wind coming out from both ears going in a C-shape going away from the knight in the direction behind him or her. The aura is thunder moving in all directions away from the staff along with a gust at the knight's feet.

    Aegis of Despair: Spirit/Earth

    Description: A pure coal armor with a katana as a weapon. The katana is white with it glistening in all directions outward. The face covering of the armor is enveloped in black cloth, with the knight's eyes showing in a dark blue. A machete is in the other hand, with a vortex moving towards its middle. The machete is white like the katana but has a gray hilt rather than the katana's black hilt. The feet of tha armor match the weapons and have small blasts moving away from them in random directions. The knight's hands show as normal. The shoulder plates of this armor are gray and emit darkness away from them.

    Player Name: Syko Maxxis

    Friend Code: XBH-NBP-PZH

  7. #322


    Name: Tsunami Aegis
    Elements: Air/Water
    Friend Code: WBD-CPX-YFP

  8. #323

    Last edited by Andrew Wilson; 12-21-2014 at 06:02 AM.

  9. #324


    Name: Cloak of the Eagle
    Elements: Mono Air
    Description: Shield is standard goldish yellow with wings in the corners. Chest plate is yellow and and has a white strip on bottom separating the legs which have a mixture of yellow and white. Helmet has beak coming off the front and feathers that are white.
    Friend Code: WBD-CPX-YFP

  10. #325

    Epic Armor Contest

    Name: Aquatic Dragonmail
    Description: colors are red, blue, and gold
    Suggested Elements: Fire/Water
    Friend Code: WBR-FCM-CWC
    Active Forum: JaySmoove
    Last edited by JaySmoove; 12-20-2014 at 05:05 PM.

  11. #326

    Entry 1

    Name: Thornbush mantle
    Description: My armor's helmet and shield are made of spikes and long thorns. The top of the armor has many thorns going through it and around it. There is an emblem in the middle which is just a triangle with a circle. The bottom of the armor are pants with one long spike on each leg and shoes with sharp edges.The weapon is a sword with thorns around it. You may change the armor as you would like.
    Suggested elements: Earth/Mystic
    Friend Code: XBN-CMH-VYV
    Guild: The Nights Watchmen

  12. #327

    Entry No. 3 Finished

    Entry #3:

    Armor Name: OceanTide Regalia \
    Elements: Water/Air


    ***In update to a previous post
    Last edited by katduCouteau; 12-20-2014 at 05:26 PM.
    ~ Katty, Proud Member of Rainbow Clay, Royal Cat of Sarah, Carrying Member of Rainbow Alliance ~

  13. #328

    Cool Submission for A New Armor/EB

    Armor Contest
    Armor Title:
    Armor Of the Sun
    Description:Ra was the almost universally-worshipped king of the gods and all-father of creation. A sun god, he was said to command the chariot that rode across the sky during the day. A king, he was the patron of the pharaoh. Ra is the most central god of the Egyptian pantheon. Ra's position in the pantheon is unusual. He is the only god, apart from Osiris, who is definitely said to be not on the earth. Ra, it is said, is an aging god, still powerful, but too old to deal with his children any longer, so he has gone exclusively to the sky to watch over the world. Horus rules over the earth and the gods in his stead, demonstrating the divine right of kingship.
    Friend Code:
    By IBG

  14. #329

    armour contest
    Elements: Fire water
    Name: Tormented vanguard/ Bane of existence
    Friend code: WBN-DZN-QXW

  15. #330

    Minion Riders Gear

    Sir Mnsmartie
    Element: water
    Imgur url:
    Guild is Slumdogs

    Hi, this is my second armor set, my first was the Crystal Samarin Battle gear. I put on the three evolutions.
    It has a knife/sword on both arms. The next evolution the left hand has a shield type of weapon. The last has two knifes/swords and a shield. I hope you like my design. THX!!

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