12-02-2014, 12:44 PM #61
12-02-2014, 01:33 PM #62
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12-02-2014, 04:03 PM #63
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How do we get are better rewards for logins?
12-02-2014, 04:22 PM #64
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to do with login bonus
Ok everyone is asking where do i get improved login bonus and no one is answering so i will
You know when you login in the morning and you get three arena energy or 30 gems or a new gold one star armor?
Ya that's what they changed today was day 1 loging in again and i got 4 infernal chunks
12-02-2014, 04:23 PM #65
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12-02-2014, 04:44 PM #66
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I logged in last night and for day 5 log-in, I got 10 gems. My other account got day 1 log-in of 2 fusion stones.
12-02-2014, 04:45 PM #67
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One thing I would like to see Christmas bring is greater variety in the armors. It used to be you could have two weapons, a two-handed weapon, or a single weapon with no shield, but for months now every new armor has a one-handed weapon and shield. I'd like to see a return to that more diverse armor design philosophy.
Or maybe I just really want a Santa armor swinging around a two-handed Christmas tree.
Fire Storm Flame Van is always looking for recruits. Regular participation is the only requirement. No mandatory gem spending. We regularly place in the 150-250 range.Last edited by tableton; 12-02-2014 at 04:49 PM. Reason: Added fake sig
12-02-2014, 05:14 PM #68
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Thank God.
Free stuff? Surprise us with Epic Armors and I'll be satisfied. Those things are impossible 😩
12-02-2014, 05:36 PM #69
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Im sketching my armor and weapons now
this is awesome a chance to get your own armor made im down the sketching begins ..i think the winner of the armor sketching gets it made especially for the own and or his guild and no one else
12-02-2014, 06:30 PM #70
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Good to see you giving back gree
I just hope the armour design isn't going to be anything massively bulky looking:/ personally iI like the look of gears like the raiments and aegeis's
12-02-2014, 07:38 PM #71
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ask the developer
I want to know what the odds of getting an epic are? There was a 10x chance chest for legendary and epic but my question is 10x what? Like pepsi will say chances of winning another pepsi is 1 in 120 and chances of winning grand prize 1 in 12,200,234. What are the chances of winning an epic in a standard 1x chance
12-02-2014, 08:16 PM #72
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12-02-2014, 08:26 PM #73
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I agree with this post but one thing
Last edited by xJon510; 12-02-2014 at 08:28 PM. Reason: Typo
12-02-2014, 08:54 PM #74
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Let's be realistic with suggestions - handing out free epics is not going to happen and it shouldn't. Same with armor trading/gifting. I've only been playing a few months and I have three epics about to get the new heroic in the plus version (I combined the standard after lvl 35). It seems we may be getting more chances at solo element epics with the heroic events to come also - giving more away is just a bad idea. It would take away from putting forth effort into the game. The trading and gifting is bad if you understand how the arena works and loading low level players with top armor would make for easy top finishes.
Gree - thanks for the new updates and I'm looking forward to being more addicted to this game as time goes on.
12-02-2014, 09:29 PM #75
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1 - Bring back the way that when we crafted an armor and then switched to our next armory it would keep that location. When crafting groups of basic level armor its a pain to have to scroll thru available armor every time we switch armories. It was like that until a few weeks ago.
2 - Simplify the armory screen were we can craft from all armories on one screen without switching. It would be nice to see our inventory without having to have an open armory available.
3 - Guild chat or even a new global chat that can be viewed without opening the guild menu. Have the option to have it open and available thru out regular play. At the least flag the guild menu when new chat arrives like we do when someone donates so we don't have to open the guild menu to see if someone wrote something.
4 - it would be nice to be able to organize our armor inventory by element type, attack, defense etc etc
5 - it would be nice to organize our friends list by element type, attack etc etc
6 - if organizing friends list is too hard to code - at the least let us flag favorites that show up first in the list. When doing Epic bosses it gets a little difficult to scroll thru everyone to rank them and use them accordingly.
7 - something that shows a last active date when viewing profile. I'm in a guild that is pretty close to full and I know we have some inactives which we can weed out thru other methods but this would make it a lot easier. Plus you could weed thru your friends list this way too to get rid of lower players that you were helping out that are no longer active.
8 - private messaging maybe?
9 - it would be nice to cancel crafting mid craft. I have crafted three star armor by accident by clicking too fast and would like to just stop, no reimbursement needed, to get that armory back without paying a ton of gems to do so.
10 - special chest item that gives a one time boost to attack and defense - only to be used during stages and not in arena, eb, wars, raids etc etc
11 - the ability to default to speed attacking so we don't have to click it each time.
12 - charity gem or gold packs where proceeds go to a charity. This would be a nice way to introduce special capes and what not that could be given when buying the charity package.
Gree - If all or some or none make it into the game I would be happy - yhis is a game that I thought I would have gotten bored of quick but you've added extra gameplay and incentives and it keeps me going after that next reward. Keep up the awesome work.