i still dont see any of my questions answered. Did i ask aynthing wrong or why is that so?
i still dont see any of my questions answered. Did i ask aynthing wrong or why is that so?
Fun in Black
Allways looking for good and active players.
Add me on Kakao. My id is RyanJAG
If a 300k unit is going into an army stat that is at 10mil + it is adding approx 3% to that stat. So if a 40 unit is going into an equipment stat that is 1k that is roughly 4%. Seeing as this is no longer one giant stat that you are adding to you have to view them as totally different power amounts with different relative values.
So I see people ask for calculations which we aren't getting, but can someone kindly explain exactly how we raise the two new numbers?
Is it skill points, weapons and armor?
What changes what?
Before I think about reallocation of skill points, I want to understand the impact of any changes please.
Also, An FAQ explaining all the changes and their impact.
I also want to understand the approximate percentages that each number affects whether I'll win our lose an attack or raid please.
Thank you Derez, Waffleking and Tadaaah for taking your time tonight. Looking forward to the next AMA.
I'm going to lock the thread so more questions don't flood, but Derez will answer some of the last ones here.
I know that there is confusion with the current stat point system and how it is affect player stats. I will make sure that we confirm that they are working as intended with these new systems and post a write up to the forums with details before we release the item that allows you to re-spec your characters.
Sorry [JAG], this was not intentional. Some of your questions came between long replies and were possibly answered within those. As for your posted formula:
(Skill points in Army Attack * level of player) / 10 + hero stats from items + hero individual attack boosts = Hero Stats
This is pretty close to how it is being calculated but I do not have it committed to memory and have to confirm that this is still accurate with the other changes that have been made to the game. If player level is a factor I will be sure to include it in the stat point update I mentioned in my previous post.
Based on the feedback we continue to receive it is clear that battle calculations are not being communicated correctly in game and we will look into switching over to the original system we had planned as I feel it makes what is actually going on a lot easier to understand.
I know there were a lot of changes to the game recently and I want to thank everyone for their feedback while we try to work out the kinks in the systems. We are trying to improve the player experience and add some more depth and longevity to the title so that we can continue to support our players and their investments in this game. We have more things planned for the coming months that hopefully we will be able to announce soon.
Thank you again for taking the time to chat with us.