Hello Kingdom Age Players
As the Product Manager of Kingdom Age, I wanted to reach out to our player base and personally give you a heads up on the 3.0 Hero Equipment/Crafting update that was made live last night.
I have been reading all of your feedback on the forums and I wanted to personally apologize for the issues you are all experiencing in this new update. The team has been working feverishly to discover what is causing these serious PVP issues that are occurring since the release of 3.0. We are happy to report we have figured out the issue and are testing a fix as we speak. We will be deploying a fix later today as well as releasing Level 1 of the Crafting Workshop.
The development team has been hard at work on Hero Equipment/Crafting and never intended it to negatively impact any gameplay experiences for our players. We have always seen this feature as an addition to the amazing armies and power our players have acquired over the years of faithful support to our product. Over the last couple of months and into the new year the team will continue developing new features that we feel will improve the core of Kingdom Age and offer more depth for our players. We want to build a game that we are proud of and that our community enjoys playing.
Rolling out these changes can cause issues like you have seen since the launch of 3.0 last night. The team has been keeping a constant watch of the forums since our deploy of 3.0 and will continue monitoring your feedback moving forward. Your almost instant feedback has allowed us to find and deploy a fix quickly for the PVP/Raiding issues. We appreciate you voicing your opinions and helping us make the game better and tune new features to something you all enjoy engaging with.
We are looking into hosting another AMA next week to gather your feedback on our new Hero Equipment/Crafting feature and answer any additional questions that you may have about Kingdom Age.
Once again I would like to personally apologize for the initial kinks that have been in the Hero Equipment update and would like to thank you all for your feedback and patience while we resolve these issues.