Ok ...at total lost !!! Please if a post explaining how this crafting works post link ....
Stuck at lvl 1 craft building ...no clue how to upgrade ? No clue how this works ...
Everytime somebody asks this question I will throat punch a kitten. Learn how to ******* read. FFS I even explained why literally two posts before yours. Jesus Christ on a bicycle, you people are dumb.
And you. Learn some reading comprehension before you post and make a fool of yourself.
Last edited by the_bob; 11-18-2014 at 10:42 AM.
Has the date/time for the elustrious AMA been announced. I want to make sure I'm online for that and hope it lasts longer than 5 mins.
Is there anyway you will remove crafting my 6 accounts are waiting for a answer if I'm starting a new game it will not be this one and yes I do use money and knew it was dumb from the start but never have asked any of my guilds to gem I have lost way to many friends to his game first it was time then it was updates messing up I have stuck it out but not sure want to start over on a game where they do not care about the people playing paying or not thanks for messing up what was a awesome game
It sucks and wayyyyyyyyyyy to time consuming!
Another... Worst idea gree did! I'm sure with the history of mistakes... Many more to come.
There's nothing wrong with crafting.
But the way the materials are collected, now that was a bad idea.(way too slow to be of use)
Questing for materials has to be the slowest way to gain mats needed and way too ramdom when opening boxes.
Give us some map zones that we can gather the materials, let the materials come from mobs as a drop(would be nice to know what can drop from what critter)
And return the ltq's to award units or gear.
Daily player
Really The Bob??? Well don't read posts or answer post if think stupid ! Questions here are not directed to you, was for a moderator or some one that can help! If you can not provide helpful answers then shut it ... That's what forum for ...to help, to ask questions. I play all Gree games since start spend money , don't give a crap about your opinion assuming peeps don't read up. I do read forum ...it's post like yours that take up space and ya waste time reading! It's a new event and confusing for most ...help if ya can if not move on and let others help!
Last edited by the_bob; 11-29-2014 at 09:20 AM. Reason: LOL! you guys are so cute.
Bob is right though, if the questions asked werent repeated so much it would be much easier to find information again.
Forums are sometimes becoming a mess now.
Anyway, to the suggestion bit earlier for mobs to drop materials. Please don't, we already need mobs for gear grinding, which with current quests (trials) is simply impossible cause you need all the energy already.
Another thing i don't understand is why there are no vouchers? Last cycles you nearly beated everyone senseless with vouchers, now there are none.
If you want to make gear an important role in this game, THEN GIVE US A CHANCE TO COLLECT DECENT GEAR!