Hi Summoners,
We are happy to announce that the Crafting Workshop is almost ready! This new building will allow you to deck out your hero in new equipment! To check out some more details, continue reading the FAQ below.
What is Crafting?
Crafting will enable you to create various items using recipes. Theses items can then be used as equipment for your hero! You will be able to craft an item at the Workshop by using materials listed in the recipe.
How do I obtain a Workshop?
Once you hit level 10, you will be able to build a Workshop by purchasing the building through the Unit Building tab in the Store.
What are Materials?
Materials are the ingredients needed in order to craft recipes. You can obtain materials through various quests goal completion, gift packs and crates.
What are Recipes?
Recipes need to be unlocked before your Workshop can start crafting an item. Recipes require time, materials, and currency to craft.
How do we unlock Recipes?
There are several ways to unlock recipes. Here are a few possible ways to unlock a Recipe:
• Player level
• Crafted items
• Goal Completion
• Key item possession
• Upgraded Workshop
Can we sort our recipes?
Yes, there will be a number of ways to sort through your obtained recipes. Type and cost are just a few of these tabs.
How many items can we craft at a time?
Currently, you will only be able to craft one item at a time. Each item has a timed countdown for the length it takes to craft an item along with a cost. While you are crafting an item, there will be a symbol located above the Workshop to let you know it is in progress. You can choose to either wait for the specified time or choose to speed up the progress for an instant craft!
Where do I collect my crafted items?
Once the item is done crafting, a notification will be sent to you and let you know you can pick up the item. Simply tap on the Workshop and claim your item. Once the item is claimed, it will be placed into your inventory. Some items may include bonuses and other attributes obtained from the recipe materials.
How will we use the vouchers we received in previous events?
Once the Crafting version is out, all item vouchers earned from previous events will turn into RECIPES. Not the items. Not the materials for the recipes. Just the recipes themselves. These recipes are unique. If a player did not earn the voucher previously, they will never have these recipes. They will not be made available again.
Now you have it. The basics of Crafting are you in your hands! Please feel free to leave feedback and questions in the comments below.