Hang on to your helmets people - a new feature is coming! Coming up in version 3.0 is Hero Equipment. Hero Equipment will enable you to equip your hero for a full range of armor. Currently, you are only capable of equipping two hero items. Under this new system, you will have 6 separate equipment slots to fill with your best items. Instead of your units having gear, each of your army units will be equipped with 5 equipment pieces from your inventory. Unit stats and army equipment stats are added to your own equipment stats to form your overall strength.

What is the difference between equipment and army units?

Equipment are items that you equip to your character and your army units to boost your personal stats. Ally units are what you bring with you to a fight. Unit stats and army equipment stats are added to your own equipment stats to form your overall strength.

What are the different pieces of equipment?

There are 5 equipment items in Kingdom Age: head pieces, foot pieces, armor, weapons, and artifacts. Your character can equip 1 head piece, 1 foot piece, 1 armor, 1 weapon, and 2 artifacts.

How do I equip or change my equipment items?

Go to the Hero tab of your Profile and tap on the slot for the item type you wish to equip. This will take you to the selection screen, which will show you all available equipment that fits that type. Select the item of your choice and select “Equip”. If you already have an item equipped for that slot, a comparison screen will show you the currently equipped item and its stats vs. your selection.

How do I add equipment to my army units?

The game will automatically equip each army unit brought to battle with the 5 equipment items: 1 head piece, 1 foot piece, 1 armor, 1 weapon, and 1 artifact. Equipment is selected based on its stats.

Do I have to equip all my items manually?

You can choose for the game to equip your best items automatically. Your “best items” are the ones with the highest combined attack/defense stats.

Some of my items have bonuses. How does that work?

Bonuses will only be available when the associated item is equipped on your hero.