- We are a Top 5 faction that likes to have fun and emphasizes a drama free environment.
- Now looking to round out our core group of players with others who also have the same mindset.
- Rank and wins are our 1st priority. We have gotten all wins (50) and all 12/12 streaks (55) before but getting streaks are a secondary goal to the faction.
- We have fully completed Raid Boss Masters Level every single time.
- For Faction LTQ, we have completed every FLTQ event.
- We always breeze through all 5 days of the Epic Boss.
- For Frontline we usually place in T10.

What our faction requirements are:

- Must be super active in all faction events.
- You must have a MIN attack and defense of 5B, but can vary slightly depending on level.
- We have a MIN of 250k WD faction war points and you must have the ability to score more during blitzes to secure both wins and streaks.
- You will need to reach/exceed MIN RB total damage points and MIN FL total deployment points (these 2 are discussed individually).
- We use Groupme for our communications. High activity during all faction events is a must.
- We also have Dockbot for WD faction wars.
- Currently there are no minimum ingame cash donations. All faction bonuses are maxed out.
- Donation of all Raid Boss folders and concrete is mandatory.
- Have screenshots ready of your MW profile, WD points, RB total damage and FL deployment points.

Join the groupme room link below and one of our officers will speak to you.
