Hello I am an officer in GoA. Currently we have 6 members, but we have good bonuses such as

-Infantry Def +35%
-Ground Def +20%
-Air Def +15%
-Sea Def +10%
-Infantry Atk +5%
-Ground Atk +5%
-Building Output +5%
-Health recovery -30%
-Guild member increase +14

We ask that you:
Have 10m Atk/def stats or are a mini,
Atleast 20k wd and around 1m frontline (my level 9 did it so can you)
We use palringo primarily to communicate but we also use groupme

We finished top 2000 in the last frontline event, completing 1 of the three ltqs, 8/9 on the other and 4/5 on the last one.
We conservatively aim to finish in the top 2000 this wd, but top 1000 is very possible.

Send me a pm or join the groupme group