
Type: Posts; User: Tedhok

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  1. GREE's excuse for incompetence

    This is my reply.

    Dear Shirley,

    If this is the way the Gree treats it's loyal players because of the incompetence of the developer, support and company, than I feel very sorry for this...
  2. GREE's Excuse For Incompetence

    Receive a reply from Gree on one of my account that was lost. Account was handed down from a buddy who has retired from the game.

    Here it is.

    Shirley Winston (GREE International Inc.)
    Dec 21...
  3. Replies

    Sticky: Data Surge

    Since the last update, the data usage seems to have increase. Can you clarified what is normal circumstances. I go in and out of the game often, does it mean that it loads the entire inventory...
  4. Supreme Commander Prep

    I have a supreme Commander Prep but I do not think my Faction will be able to complete. I am open to work for mutual benefits. My code is 527-216-197, call sign is Alex.
Results 1 to 4 of 4

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