
Type: Posts; User: Jonaa369

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  1. Sticky: wasted money

    why did I spend money on gold over the past year to improve my stats only for you idiots to come up with the brilliant idea of allowing someone with half my stats to beat me simply because they are...
  2. Replies

    So how many times is several? I just did 14 and...

    So how many times is several? I just did 14 and still have the old data set.
  3. First off stop crying about being attacked....

    First off stop crying about being attacked. That's part of the game. Secondly, drop below 500 allies if you haven't already done so. This way they can't find you.
  4. Replies

    Alliance numbers in battle

    I had over1,300 alliance members. Now 500. But when I go into battle I bring only 485 and 1,940 units. The other person has 500 alliance members and brings 2,000 units. Why aren't I bringing in all...
Results 1 to 4 of 5

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