
Type: Posts; User: Carlos Wierpand

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  1. Poll: is it so bad?
  2. Poll: i agree with youm

    mine didn't make it too so sad :(
    is it so bad?
  3. Sticky: DARQRonin Robes

    next Epic smourai

    I know there is one, but made an different version for anepic.

    DARQ Condor

    guild DARQ Ops
  4. Sticky: epic armor

    my Epic Armor

    DARQVoid Aegis a very powerful dragon armor fit for the biggest war to come.
    Elements: Fire/Air

    LineID: cbacca10
    In game name: DARQ Condor
  5. DARQVoid Aegis

    Good day to all,

    here is my design. I wasn't going to make one, but my friends asked me to do it. So thanks to them i made DARQVoid Aegis. DARQ represents my guild and the rest is a cool name. I...
Results 1 to 5 of 5

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