
Type: Posts; User: Aleksander Strilchik

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  1. Replies

    upgrade a jewelry

    Guys, did anyone managed to get anything above a silver star jewelry? I wonder if it is possible at all. Fused a lot of rings with a silver star and never got anything stronger than that.
  2. Sticky: jewelry

    I can't find any tips for the new jewelry like rings. Do you have any idea how to get them to higher than a silver star level?
  3. We meed active members

    Guild name is "Only active gamers", and we are looking for new active members.
    if you are one of very few active members in your guild, or just want to be in stronger company and an active and...
  4. We need new members

    Guild name is "Only active gamers", and we are looking for new active members.
    if you are one of very few active members in your guild, or just want to be in stronger company and an active and...
  5. Replies

    We need new members

    Guild name is "Only active gamers", and we are looking for new active members.
    if you are one of very few active members in your guild, or just want to be in stronger company and an active and...
  6. Need new active members

    Guild name is "Only active gamers", and we are looking for new active members.
    if you are one of very few active members in your guild, or just want to be in stronger company and an active and...
Results 1 to 6 of 7

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