
Type: Posts; User: Tubbytone

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  1. Replies

    Please add me 642 507 614

    Please add me 642 507 614
  2. Replies

    In Tents Camping

    If you're looking for a fun faction come and talk to us.

    We were a top 150 faction before several of our members retired from MW. Now currently ranked top 225.

    Gold spend is purely voluntary,...
  3. I had IOS 8 on all 3 of my devices and lost main...

    I had IOS 8 on all 3 of my devices and lost main account. My two minis are now on all 3 devices.
  4. Lost account

    I have 3 accounts on 3 devices IPhone 6, iPad air 2 and iPad mini 2.
    Updated all 3 to version 5.0 without any problems and was able to play on all three.
    The problems started when at first the...
  5. I have a level 30 account and had the same...

    I have a level 30 account and had the same problem killed all 200 bosses and used gold in the process for the final few. Ticket sent with screenshot of pop-up screen and level 201 boss to prove it...
  6. Replies


    Congratulations on the well deserved win, it was amazing how you rallied for a strong finish. It was a great end to the WD event.
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