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Thanks for the thread Zippy69 :D
Need to raise my post count
Thanks for this thread
Is it really only 10?
I have friends that said they can't post anything after 10
But I'm tying it anyway...
Just to see I it's different for me
Anywho I'm almost done
Just one more after this
This is my last one, once again thanks for this thread
So it's ten you need to do it
It's ten that I need to raise this tight
I don't get why we can just make our own threads to start with
is pretty great though because I would have never figured this out without it
so thanks to whoever made this
blah blah blah I don't know
might as well share some info while i'm here
you guys should add me to your mafia 950-074-118
and my other account 623-960-117
and join my syn 566-110-572
Im looking to buy Uzis... Please PM me with details
We need your uzis... if your not using them, might as well make a sale... PM me with details
Do you have some uzis that you want to sell, PM with your going rate. If the price is fair, then we'll make a deal...
I love this thread ! Thank you Zippy69 for starting it.
We're recruiting for our sister syndicate. If you're interested, plz visit the link in my signature.
This makes post #10. Now I can start a thread in the syndicate recruit room.
Need to get my post count up so I can make a new thread!:cool:
Will be looking for help with raid boss.
Currently beat 2/15 on 26 Elite.
Big Bang placed 157th last war.
We have 10 to 12 minis that we will be removing for a squad of any heavy hitters can help us out.
We are able to finish 26 elite on our own. However,.......
We did the math and will not finish 27 with out help.
By ourselves it takes about 1 hour 50 mins to finish a lvl 100 boss.
With over 4500 Uzis left we have more than enough to complete and share with whomever is able to help.
So now I should be able to make a thread. Thanks again for making this thread allowing us to make our own theads :)