Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear.
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Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear.
This is thread I am looking for ;o)
Thanks for open it.
Just 5 more left.
What should I write here?
Does anybody really read all these notes?
I hope nobody is doing.
Second last one.
I hope this is the last one.
Posting comments is for noobs!!!!
like me....
Posting comments is for noobs!!!!
like me....
Posting comments is for noobs!!!!
like me....
What should I write here?
I can't believe how ****in retarded Gree is. They are killing this game. First the rivals list, then the PVP, what's next?
They start a feedback thread under the false pretence that they listen to players, but clearly do not as the poll on the rivals list issue shows nearly 75% of players hate the change.
Gree are just arseholes.
Just thought I would air my frustration!