Need to get my post count up so I can make a new thread!:cool:
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Need to get my post count up so I can make a new thread!:cool:
Will be looking for help with raid boss.
Currently beat 2/15 on 26 Elite.
Big Bang placed 157th last war.
We have 10 to 12 minis that we will be removing for a squad of any heavy hitters can help us out.
We are able to finish 26 elite on our own. However,.......
We did the math and will not finish 27 with out help.
By ourselves it takes about 1 hour 50 mins to finish a lvl 100 boss.
With over 4500 Uzis left we have more than enough to complete and share with whomever is able to help.
So now I should be able to make a thread. Thanks again for making this thread allowing us to make our own theads :)
Thats 1 post only a couple to go
Thats another post only a couple to go
La la la, Ohh i cant sing sorry.
Number 4, 6 to go.
Number 5, half way now.