Apparently not
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Apparently not
Hello, this is all a bit silly isn't it ?
Can the fox only jump over lazy dogs ?
Shirley that makes him a lazy fox ?
Bored now, only want to advertise some faction vacancies
Here goes I'm going to give it a go, going in !
No didn't work, more boredom.
Hey, got any g****s ?
I never realised g r a p e was a swear word, oops !
But is a plum, I wonder
Well, no it isn't. I do apologise about this rubbish.
Still can't create my own thread.
I don't think gree likes me.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Finally I realized what the lightbulb above my head means
Where oh where has my little dog gone?
This seems to be pointless, just let me start a thread
What is going on in the world today?
Am I doing this right?
Walking Dead is cool
What do I have to do to be recognized around here?
nine posts left
eight posts left
seven posts left
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five posts left
four posts left
three posts left
two posts left
one post left
zero post left
lets see if this does the trick
I was wondering why I couldn't create a new post.
Is Crime City still playable on Facebook?
I have no clue how many times I need to post
So im just gonna post