Seen any good movies lately?
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Seen any good movies lately?
No not really. But am watching breaking bad
Any good, worth a watch?
Yeah pretty good actually. A bit slow but gets your attention
What about game of thrones - now there is a series!
Nah too much gratuitous sex and nudity.
Hold on, you don't like these two elements in your casual viewing? What's wrong with you?
Nothing is wrong with me. I just feel it is too easy a short cut for producers to hide sloppy work with sex, nudity and violence!
Anyway, must be going. I am have now officially ditched my junior member status!
Congrats man, well done. Adios
Yeah see you. Nice chatting
I have a while to go so sorry guys
I'm currently trying to get used to the forums.
Why is there a random question?
Why is my random question always the same?
Does it ever change or will I keep having to type the same answer?
I just really want to be able to create threads :/
I hope this works, if not I'll have to keep doing random posts
Could this be it instead?
I guess I'll try for 15, then.......
Everyone get up singing 1,2,3,4...................5 will make you down
Say something, I'm giving up on you, I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.
All that I know is talking is cheap and you lies were expensive
Anyone know any of these songs yet?
I'll try some more, I'll mix up easy and hard ones.
I know your tired of loving, of loving with.......
I need your time, when everythings wrong, you make it right.
You say could you write a song for me? I say I won't do that happily
Well I can now post threads, but if anyone wants to guess the songs let me know
Why does the quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog?
Maybe it was a typo and it should be log?
But then again could a log be said to be lazy?
Perhaps it's a sedentary log but lazy is just plain judgemental
Did they really need to say that the fox is brown?
I have only seen them in the movies and at the zoo but they always seem to be brown?
I think it's pretty rude anyway to be jumping over some poor dog
That poor dog is probably in therapy now from the shock of a traumatic event
And if the fox was all that quick couldn't he have side stepped the poor dog?
And we never know where the quick brown fox jumped over the allegedly lazy dog
Was the dog owned by small children who also need counselling?
Were other small animals terrorised by said fox or is it just victimisation of dogs?