How much caramel can a canny canonball cram in a camel if a canny canonball can cram caramel in a camel?
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How much caramel can a canny canonball cram in a camel if a canny canonball can cram caramel in a camel?
Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
Spread it thick, say it quick!
Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
Spread it thicker, say it quicker!
Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.
Don't eat with your mouth full!
Yally Bally had a jolly golliwog. Feeling folly, Yally Bally Bought his jolly golli' a dollie made of holly! The golli', feeling jolly, named the holly dollie, Polly. So Yally Bally's jolly golli's holly dollie Polly's also jolly!
Mo mi mo me send me a toe,
Me me mo mi get me a mole,
Mo mi mo me send me a toe,
Fe me mo mi get me a mole,
Mister kister feet so sweet,
Mister kister where will I eat !?
Posting comments is for noobs!!!!
like me....
What is going on folks?
not the first with this problem i see
just turned around and its snowing... it was 60 this morning
no class tomorrow?
2 more after this
anyone else getting tired of typing in dog??
and you have to wait 25 seconds b/t posts haha.. have a good day
10??? really, kind of a random number, I mean to go from Junior to regular within 10?? sorry just filling a post to create a post :-)
14 almost there
15... hopefully this is all i need now