View Full Version : Texas killing machine recruiting

09-27-2014, 05:35 PM
We are a vary strong and active team. Most players already know of us but in case you don't.....

We finish top 15 in full assault (11th) last FA minimum 20-25 mil
We finish master raid boss 35 billion minimum. One of the lowest I know of all teams that finish
Absolutely all other events finished also.
Top 25 team in world domination
Almost all bonuses maxed just some last two sea If I remember correctly
Too maximize our team strength Aussie and pacific times are preferred but of course everyone has a chance if you have what it takes.
We are a mature team with no children but still love to have fun in group chat. We use kakao talk as main communication and also docbot.

If you are interested I would be more then happy to talk to anyone who shoots me a pm.

09-28-2014, 02:53 PM
Spots are limited and being filled fast.