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View Full Version : Problem player

Max Power
09-23-2011, 04:55 AM
OK, so I am doing random robbings off the rival list, and I rob a guy called . The building I tapped had only $1 left. No problem, move on.

So, I get this message "ha ha 1$? silly"

OK, that's kinda dumb to smack talk about me tapping one of his buildings that is already tapped out, but whatever.

So a little while later, while I am offline, a number of my buildings get robbed, as they always do, and I look on my message wall and it's my new friend , taunting with "oooohhhhh yes!".

OK, you are on my list. So I go to rob 2 of his buildings and I get $2 and $6 (how is that even possible?) and I get another note back "haha 2$? silly"

I make a mental note to keep an eye in hood for better targets and move on. So last night, there is his internet company, ripe for the picking, and I tag it twice to the tune of $6000+ bucks. Good way to get back at all the unsolicited smack talk chatter, I figure.

Now, this morning, my news feed is filled with him posting the same spanish language profanity over and over and over again. He has done it so often that it takes forever to load and he has wiped out all my other messages.

1. Can a player be disciplined for something like this?

2. Is there a way for me to get back to his hood now that he is a slightly lower level player and he wiped out the previous "revenge" link on my wall with all his profanity?


09-23-2011, 11:57 AM

To put it nicely, this guy is tool. What does he expect? I can't stand guys who talk smack and then cry when you give them their just rewards.

09-23-2011, 01:00 PM
Hey Max, sorry to laugh but $6k NICE hahahaha. Just to bad u can't go back and Nick him for more. Were u able to beat the H#!! Out of him too?

09-23-2011, 02:21 PM
He can't Nick him now because the Revenge button is gone. Smart of him actually to know to do that or maybe he just got lucky in his anger. But nice that you got revenge. Just drop it. He's a loser. Not worth the effort.

09-23-2011, 04:05 PM
Just drop it. He's a loser. Not worth the effort.

Agreed. move on. Life's too short.

Crime City Mark
09-23-2011, 05:42 PM
We have strict language and harassment policies. Send an e-mail to mobile@funzio.com with your mafia invite code or UDID and an explanation of the situation.

Max Power
09-24-2011, 08:52 AM
He can't Nick him now because the Revenge button is gone. Smart of him actually to know to do that or maybe he just got lucky in his anger. But nice that you got revenge. Just drop it. He's a loser. Not worth the effort.

Actually, he has gone back to robbing me again, so I think it was just anger on his part rather than any sort of plan.Pretty dumb to give me a conduit back into his hood. He hasn't sent me any messages lately, so unless he starts that back up again, I think I will let it go. Right after I rob his new Anchor imports building....LOL!

Thank Mark.

09-24-2011, 09:39 AM
By all means if he's dumb enough to give you access again and leaves big money lying around I'd be right there stealing it. However it's a huge mistake to get revenge by going back over and over taking little bits from every slouch piece of property he has. People do that to get me back and they never recover what I took from them. Stamina is better spent elsewhere if he keeps the high end buildings cleaned out.

09-24-2011, 06:39 PM
lol someone really needs to learn some manner

Max Power
09-24-2011, 06:50 PM
Yeah, I don't mess with his little buildings. He has 1 internet company with another under construction, and 1 Anchor Imports.

BTW, I went to my messages section and counted. He called me a Mother Efffer (G rated version) in spanish 50 times in a row.

I think he needs anger management, not more gold bars...LOL!

10-15-2011, 01:12 AM
Hi guys, I have had the same problem with Israel. I have complained to the moderator and a director of Funzio. They have done very litle in terms of effective moderation. I think the guy has arranged with a couple of friends to hit my city hard as well. As a result of this guy I decided this morning to delete all my buildings, remove all my mafia members, send a final complaint to Funzio, delete crime city and all other Funzio and company related games from my Ipad and laptop. If they dont fulfill their own zero tolerance policy that they advertise on the site then they dont deserve to be in business.

10-15-2011, 01:16 AM
Unfortunately this guy just seems to keep coming back. After 2 weeks of continual harrassment from the **** and failure by te modrators to do anything about him, despite 8 emails from them saying they are montoring the situation, I have deleted everything and given up on the game. I wish more people woukd complain about him and get him shut down.

10-15-2011, 01:21 AM
What a waste of time. I have been complaining for 2 weeks. I even emailed Ricky@funzio.com and complained. I got warned for spamming Israel and nothing happened to him. I have now deleted everything from my game and stopped playing. I would rather come on here and let all the other users know about your appalling moderating service and ineffective zero tolerance policy, that you inadequately enforce. This user, Israel, has single handedly ruined my enjoyment of this game, and that of many others. It seems that because he spends actual cash on special items that Funzio overlook the way this player behaves.

10-15-2011, 01:25 AM
We have strict language and harassment policies. Send an e-mail to mobile@funzio.com with your mafia invite code or UDID and an explanation of the situation.What a waste of time. I have been complaining for 2 weeks. I even emailed Ricky@funzio.com and complained. I got warned for spamming Israel and nothing happened to him. I have now deleted everything from my game and stopped playing. I would rather come on here and let all the other users know about your appalling moderating service and ineffective zero tolerance policy, that you inadequately enforce. This user, Israel, has single handedly ruined my enjoyment of this game, and that of many others. It seems that because he spends actual cash on special items that Funzio overlook the way this player behaves.

10-15-2011, 02:57 AM
take it easy man. who cares about weird guys. just attack/rob him until you feel satisfy, ignore what he wrote. This is a war and you are a warrior, don't talk, just do.

10-15-2011, 03:08 AM
take it easy man. who cares about weird guys. just attack/rob him until you feel satisfy, ignore what he wrote. This is a war and you are a warrior, don't talk, just do.

After 2weeks of continual sh*t from this idiot I have lost all enjoyment of the game. I have deleted Crime City. I asked the moderators to have a word and the guy just ignored whatever they did, if anything. My page was just filled with continious attacks from the guy even though I was 2 levels infront of him. Its a shame that Funzio allow this degree of harassment to the point where honest players can no longer enjoy it. The *rsehole is just relentless. I've had enough, just p*ssed that this guy can continue because he gets off on it. Funzio's zero tolerance policy is laughable and meaningless. I won't use anymore of their apps because off the poor wy that they handled this and have deleted them from my Ipad.

10-15-2011, 03:53 AM
I read your PM already. It's just a game and you play because you enjoy it, if you don't like or enjoy it anymore, just delete it. You did it right!!!

Hope you soon find a better game to enjoy. Cheers!

10-15-2011, 08:59 AM
Thanks khung003. I will see what comes along.

10-16-2011, 08:25 AM
hi everybody! i have quite a serious problem here and need help from everyone who might know a solution to this... there's this guy who is kinda like spamming my comment page and its really irritating! i did not even bother to reply or add him to be my mob. i just dont wanna entertain him. does anybody know if i can block him or report him? please help! thanks alot!!! :)

10-17-2011, 12:09 PM
hi everybody! i have quite a serious problem here and need help from everyone who might know a solution to this... there's this guy who is kinda like spamming my comment page and its really irritating! i did not even bother to reply or add him to be my mob. i just dont wanna entertain him. does anybody know if i can block him or report him? please help! thanks alot!!! :)

You can make a complaint about the user. Whatever you do avoid getting into a slanging match, ignore them as much as possible. If you get drawn into acting the same way the moderator will take a dim view of your actions. Spamming is against the rules. Complain to www.funzio.com and quote your mafia number, the other users name and, if you have it, their mafia number. They can monitor the user.

10-18-2011, 04:19 PM
Dude quit crying. I'd be pissed if funzio did do anything to israel. He's not cheating. If he wants to attack the crap out of you, that's his perogative. If you don't like it build up your defense, or get to another level, or stop attacking or talking to him, and he won't be able to find you through his news feed. This is a pvp game. You can't get someone in trouble because you don't like the way they play. As far as the profanity goes, yes I agree this guy is a jerk, but you shouldn't let it get to you this much.

10-18-2011, 07:47 PM
Dude quit crying. I'd be pissed if funzio did do anything to israel. He's not cheating. If he wants to attack the crap out of you, that's his perogative. If you don't like it build up your defense, or get to another level, or stop attacking or talking to him, and he won't be able to find you through his news feed. This is a pvp game. You can't get someone in trouble because you don't like the way they play. As far as the profanity goes, yes I agree this guy is a jerk, but you shouldn't let it get to you this much.

i wholeheartedly agree!

Max Power
10-19-2011, 04:55 AM
Dude quit crying. I'd be pissed if funzio did do anything to israel. He's not cheating. If he wants to attack the crap out of you, that's his perogative. If you don't like it build up your defense, or get to another level, or stop attacking or talking to him, and he won't be able to find you through his news feed. This is a pvp game. You can't get someone in trouble because you don't like the way they play. As far as the profanity goes, yes I agree this guy is a jerk, but you shouldn't let it get to you this much.

Not sure which "dude" you are addressing, me or Shaggy, but I never really communicated with this guy. At the time I started this thread, I had never really seen the smack talk and didn't realize it was that common. The profanity doesn't really bother me much either, it was the fact that he did it 50 times and cleared out my revenge list. That's the only part that bothered me.

I just waited till he leveled up and did the same thing back to him, sans profanity, of course. Haven't seen him since.

10-25-2011, 12:17 PM
I normally hate necro-posting, but this is for the original poster -

If it makes you feel any better, I just found Israel. I know it's him because his comments wall is spammed with people trying to get rid of him. I robbed his Laundromats just to see if I could get a rise out of him. It worked; he came back and tried to attack me. He's sitting on the top of my newsfeed now. I don't get robbed often; he'll stay there for awhile.

His stats are WEAK compared to mine. He's got two churches, among other things. I'm going to stalk him, rob him blind, and make him my *****.

What goes around comes around. The forum looks out for its own. ;)

10-25-2011, 12:33 PM
Dude quit crying. I'd be pissed if funzio did do anything to israel. He's not cheating. If he wants to attack the crap out of you, that's his perogative. If you don't like it build up your defense, or get to another level, or stop attacking or talking to him, and he won't be able to find you through his news feed. This is a pvp game. You can't get someone in trouble because you don't like the way they play. As far as the profanity goes, yes I agree this guy is a jerk, but you shouldn't let it get to you this much.

Not as pissed as you woud be if you encountered Israel spamming your comments board with offensive garbage eveyday for weeks.

10-25-2011, 04:28 PM
In v2.0, you can delete the post he made on your wall.

Crime City Mark
10-25-2011, 04:36 PM
You e-mailed Ricky? Why? He doesn't have anything to do with stuff like that. I'm not going to say what he does here, but lets just say he's not a developer. Don't directly e-mail any of our staff, because they'll just send you to me in most cases.

Just because you don't see something done to a player, doesn't mean nothing was done. If the issue continues, keep sending in e-mails. We're happy to keep building a case and doing what is appropriate based on the situation.

Max Power
10-25-2011, 06:52 PM
I normally hate necro-posting, but this is for the original poster -

If it makes you feel any better, I just found Israel. I know it's him because his comments wall is spammed with people trying to get rid of him. I robbed his Laundromats just to see if I could get a rise out of him. It worked; he came back and tried to attack me. He's sitting on the top of my newsfeed now. I don't get robbed often; he'll stay there for awhile.

His stats are WEAK compared to mine. He's got two churches, among other things. I'm going to stalk him, rob him blind, and make him my *****.

What goes around comes around. The forum looks out for its own. ;)

LOL....thanks for doing my bidding. What level is he at now?

I know he is spending real money. Perhaps he was not hugged enough as a child.

Assuming, of course, that he is not a child.....LOL!

10-27-2011, 03:37 PM
Level 67.

2 churches, 2 Anchor Imports, 2 warehouses, 2 Internet Companies....

Your bidding or not, it will turn a tidy profit for me...:cool:

10-28-2011, 12:40 AM
In order to stalk victims, and keep him on your target even as you level up, has anyone tried this? --> add the person to your mafia gang, then visit his hood, then release him from your gang. Can you then start attacking him?

10-28-2011, 05:29 AM
In order to stalk victims, and keep him on your target even as you level up, has anyone tried this? --> add the person to your mafia gang, then visit his hood, then release him from your gang. Can you then start attacking him?


i can't believe i'm giving you an advice about "stalking" but here goes... if your objective is to annoy someone without attacking/robbing, i suppose you can add the person to your "friend" list and send obnoxious messages. it would be difficult for the person to realize that you are on his list especially if he has hundreds of mafia members (i'm sure you've noticed that the mafia list interface is horrible to browse). however, this is not a wise strategy since it will get you banned from the game.

Crime City Mark
10-28-2011, 05:48 PM
What a waste of time. I have been complaining for 2 weeks. I even emailed Ricky@funzio.com and complained. I got warned for spamming Israel and nothing happened to him. I have now deleted everything from my game and stopped playing. I would rather come on here and let all the other users know about your appalling moderating service and ineffective zero tolerance policy, that you inadequately enforce. This user, Israel, has single handedly ruined my enjoyment of this game, and that of many others. It seems that because he spends actual cash on special items that Funzio overlook the way this player behaves.

Just because you can't see what was done doesn't mean nothing was done.

10-28-2011, 05:50 PM
Just because you see nothing was done that mean something is done.

10-28-2011, 06:20 PM
Jeez, Khung..... you really think you're going to get any help from Mark when all you do is insult him and demand answers from him?

Learn how to talk to people. You might actually get what you're looking for.

10-28-2011, 06:32 PM
Just because you can't see what was done doesn't mean nothing was done.

lmao that statement is so x-files ^.^ I am renaming you Moulder!

10-28-2011, 09:52 PM
Jeez, Khung..... you really think you're going to get any help from Mark when all you do is insult him and demand answers from him?

Learn how to talk to people. You might actually get what you're looking for.

I don't know what you talking about. What the problem with you guy, maybe because I don't talk to you and you feel upset right ? ok, I may try to talk to you, but who the hell you are ?

stop whining girl, that don't make me notice you.

10-28-2011, 11:40 PM
Exactly my point.

Max Power
10-29-2011, 08:37 AM
Gotta go with Certes on this one.

08-23-2014, 12:04 AM
I normally hate necro-posting, but this is for the original poster -

His stats are WEAK compared to mine. He's got two churches, among other things. I'm going to stalk him, rob him blind, and make him my *****.

What goes around comes around. The forum looks out for its own. ;)

Quick question. What is necro-posting? Thanks in advance

08-23-2014, 02:28 AM
Quick question. What is necro-posting? Thanks in advance

oh the irony :rolleyes:

The Hammr
08-23-2014, 02:33 AM
oh the irony :rolleyes:
Not irony. That looks more like a sarcastic sense of humor. Pretty funny.

08-23-2014, 03:50 AM
Not irony. That looks more like a sarcastic sense of humor. Pretty funny.


just saying :eek:

Miss Soprano
08-23-2014, 04:21 AM
OK, so I am doing random robbings off the rival list, and I rob a guy called "israel". The building I tapped had only $1 left. No problem, move on.

So, I get this message "ha ha 1$? silly"

OK, that's kinda dumb to smack talk about me tapping one of his buildings that is already tapped out, but whatever.

So a little while later, while I am offline, a number of my buildings get robbed, as they always do, and I look on my message wall and it's my new friend israel, taunting with "oooohhhhh yes!".

OK, israel, you are on my list. So I go to rob 2 of his buildings and I get $2 and $6 (how is that even possible?) and I get another note back "haha 2$? silly"

I make a mental note to keep an eye in israel's hood for better targets and move on. So last night, there is his internet company, ripe for the picking, and I tag it twice to the tune of $6000+ bucks. Good way to get back at all the unsolicited smack talk chatter, I figure.

Now, this morning, my news feed is filled with him posting the same spanish language profanity over and over and over again. He has done it so often that it takes forever to load and he has wiped out all my other messages.

1. Can a player be disciplined for something like this?

2. Is there a way for me to get back to his hood now that he is a slightly lower level player and he wiped out the previous "revenge" link on my wall with all his profanity?


How old are you? In real life not the crime city world!

08-23-2014, 07:21 AM
Well back then he was considerably younger. What's your excuse?

08-23-2014, 05:11 PM
Well back then he was considerably younger. What's your excuse?

The joke

Miss Soprano's head.

Captain Torgue
08-23-2014, 07:35 PM
OK, so I am doing random robbings off the rival list, and I rob a guy called "israel". The building I tapped had only $1 left. No problem, move on.

So, I get this message "ha ha 1$? silly"

OK, that's kinda dumb to smack talk about me tapping one of his buildings that is already tapped out, but whatever.

So a little while later, while I am offline, a number of my buildings get robbed, as they always do, and I look on my message wall and it's my new friend israel, taunting with "oooohhhhh yes!".

OK, israel, you are on my list. So I go to rob 2 of his buildings and I get $2 and $6 (how is that even possible?) and I get another note back "haha 2$? silly"

I make a mental note to keep an eye in israel's hood for better targets and move on. So last night, there is his internet company, ripe for the picking, and I tag it twice to the tune of $6000+ bucks. Good way to get back at all the unsolicited smack talk chatter, I figure.

Now, this morning, my news feed is filled with him posting the same spanish language profanity over and over and over again. He has done it so often that it takes forever to load and he has wiped out all my other messages.

1. Can a player be disciplined for something like this?

2. Is there a way for me to get back to his hood now that he is a slightly lower level player and he wiped out the previous "revenge" link on my wall with all his profanity?


You sound like a crybaby!

Max Power
08-24-2014, 05:24 AM
How old are you? In real life not the crime city world!

Why? R U hot? Send pics!

08-24-2014, 10:01 AM
hi everybody! i have quite a serious problem here and need help from everyone who might know a solution to this... there's this guy who is kinda like spamming my comment page and its really irritating! i did not even bother to reply or add him to be my mob. i just dont wanna entertain him. does anybody know if i can block him or report him? please help! thanks alot!!! :)

If u delete two consecutive times a message from your comments area you will be asked to block that player.. Press yes and then you wont receive any more msgs.

If you see comments are offensive to you, that violates terms of use, open a ticket with gree.. Dont do here in forum.

08-24-2014, 10:10 AM
Very helpful, but a) I doubt he's still looking for an answer since that question was posted three years ago and b) the block feature didn't exist back then.

Max Power
08-24-2014, 02:25 PM
To be honest, I have no idea why this was necroed. A lot has changed since then.

08-24-2014, 02:52 PM
You can even control the blocked players list now...lol

08-24-2014, 04:22 PM
To be honest, I have no idea why this was necroed. A lot has changed since then.

Because the person necro posted a post about necro posting, leading to irony/hilarity/some inception type ****, take your pick. Since then it's been a steady stream of fail.

08-25-2014, 12:01 AM
OK, so I am doing random robbings off the rival list, and I rob a guy called "israel". The building I tapped had only $1 left. No problem, move on.

So, I get this message "ha ha 1$? silly"

OK, that's kinda dumb to smack talk about me tapping one of his buildings that is already tapped out, but whatever.

So a little while later, while I am offline, a number of my buildings get robbed, as they always do, and I look on my message wall and it's my new friend israel, taunting with "oooohhhhh yes!".

OK, israel, you are on my list. So I go to rob 2 of his buildings and I get $2 and $6 (how is that even possible?) and I get another note back "haha 2$? silly"

I make a mental note to keep an eye in israel's hood for better targets and move on. So last night, there is his internet company, ripe for the picking, and I tag it twice to the tune of $6000+ bucks. Good way to get back at all the unsolicited smack talk chatter, I figure.

Now, this morning, my news feed is filled with him posting the same spanish language profanity over and over and over again. He has done it so often that it takes forever to load and he has wiped out all my other messages.

1. Can a player be disciplined for something like this?

2. Is there a way for me to get back to his hood now that he is a slightly lower level player and he wiped out the previous "revenge" link on my wall with all his profanity?


No. And welcome to Crime City

Captain Torgue
08-25-2014, 01:25 AM
To be honest, I have no idea why this was necroed. A lot has changed since then.

You being a crybaby isn't one of them.

Max Power
08-25-2014, 03:18 AM
You being a crybaby isn't one of them.

trolls gotta troll. The next time something valuable comes out of your mouth, it will be the first.

08-25-2014, 10:28 AM
Let's avoid necro'ing crazy old threads. Thanks.