View Full Version : Be wise: dont update !!!!!

09-08-2014, 11:51 PM
Just updated on iPad (latest) and on iPhone, it really sucks.

iPad: game crashes while playing the buildings in your kingdom.
iPhone : my stream building is gone....

Besides: still no war prizes, while the game says its calculating.

No more gem buying for me.

09-09-2014, 12:17 AM
My solution for game crash after update.

When the game loads, go to any map immediately, wait for a few minutes until it downloads the latest dataset and restart. Your buildings, shells, stats will be back to normal. Same applies every time you reinstall the game.

09-09-2014, 12:49 AM
Thanks!! It worked !

09-09-2014, 05:17 AM
My solution for game crash after update.

When the game loads, go to any map immediately, wait for a few minutes until it downloads the latest dataset and restart. Your buildings, shells, stats will be back to normal. Same applies every time you reinstall the game.

You should get a job with gree - you are more helpful

Max Power
09-09-2014, 05:54 AM
Crashed 5 times immediately. Will try above. Well done Gree! LOL!

09-09-2014, 09:24 AM
and why exactly should you have to make up your own tricks to get the game to work properly???....

09-09-2014, 09:28 AM
and why exactly should you have to make up your own tricks to get the game to work properly???....

...and why exactly should you keep coming here?

09-09-2014, 09:30 AM
...and why exactly should you keep coming here?

just for fun now....but thanks for asking

09-09-2014, 09:31 AM
...and why exactly should you keep coming here?

To enjoy the spectacle?

09-09-2014, 09:34 AM
just for fun now....but thanks for asking

Oh, okay...it appeared you had a personal vendetta against gree...I'm glad that's not the case...because I was starting to feel sorry for you...as if you had nothing better to do with your life...but since you are here for fun...sit back relax...enjoy yourself...and have fun...

09-09-2014, 10:05 AM
Oh, okay...it appeared you had a personal vendetta against gree...I'm glad that's not the case...because I was starting to feel sorry for you...as if you had nothing better to do with your life...but since you are here for fun...sit back relax...enjoy yourself...and have fun...

I always have fun....as for gree ...I don't hate them ...don't have a vendetta against them...its their company and if they want to run it like this they can ....it should be more than apparent that they do not take customer feedback well. unless it is gem related....but hey what do I know....all you guys and girls are still here so they must be doing something ....I cant say it....hahahahahaha

09-09-2014, 10:32 AM
Are y'all still seeing any crashing? This should be fixed now.

Vile Lynn
09-09-2014, 12:41 PM
Yes, it is still crashing.

I reinstalled and can't see any buildings, only level numbers, and the app has crashed after 10-15sec for the last hour trying to get the app to load completely.
I'll keep trying... If it eventually works, great. If not, oh well, wasn't meant to be.

I guess it's taking a long time to load everything from scratch.

Lord Vyper
09-09-2014, 01:11 PM
Yes, some of my guild members are still not able to play. They see only lvl numbers from some buildings, can not work on the LTQ even with the latest dataset and the game keeps crashing. Please help them - first start to think about leaving the game, just too much pressure and now this problem��

Vile Lynn
09-09-2014, 02:03 PM
I tried reinstalling... no change: invisible buildings with level numbers and crashes after 10-15 seconds.
RB icon is there.

09-09-2014, 02:31 PM
Crash and crash and crash again.

It also was running very slowly before crashing, 20-30 seconds to got to each map, sometimes longer. It also took over 1 minute to get the trial level awarded after the last kill.

09-09-2014, 03:06 PM
Are y'all still seeing any crashing? This should be fixed now.

On ipad1, we can't even get past the initial sale screen. It is impossible to close, and keeps popping right up once you load the game, and even after 50 close/re-opens, 2 reinstalls... etc. The game is now unplayable for many.

09-09-2014, 07:40 PM
Are y'all still seeing any crashing? This should be fixed now.

No crashing yet , but an 80 year old runs faster than ka does on my iPhone 4.

09-09-2014, 08:32 PM
On ipad1, we can't even get past the initial sale screen. It is impossible to close, and keeps popping right up once you load the game, and even after 50 close/re-opens, 2 reinstalls... etc. The game is now unplayable for many.

Ive got the same problem. When starting the game, I get a pop up with offers to buy gems. I can't close the pop up since it has no close gadget in the upper right.

Tex ~
09-10-2014, 06:46 AM
I am having same probs here! There is no button to close the pop up gem sale message, the one with the monk, it's been several hours i can't play.
Will we ever have the chance of a game that works properly, or there will be always a mess when a new update from you is up?
Please fix this issue Immediately, ASAP!
Can't stand anymore playing like this!

09-10-2014, 09:17 AM
I am having same probs here! There is no button to close the pop up gem sale message, the one with the monk, it's been several hours i can't play.
Will we ever have the chance of a game that works properly, or there will be always a mess when a new update from you is up?
Please fix this issue Immediately, ASAP!
Can't stand anymore playing like this!

One of my accounts is stuck in the same place. Can't close the gem sale screen and it loads up every time I log in. Not sure if this is because I am on an "unsupported" 3rd gen iPod or not. Please fix so I can get past the sale screen. Thanks!

Vile Lynn
09-10-2014, 09:29 AM
Same here... pop up cannot be closed.

Tadaaah, check the iTune reviews: lots are having same problem after update.

Lord Vyper
09-10-2014, 09:33 AM
Please help Tadaaah... One of the toughest guild LTQs is on and we are running out of time because several of our members can not play after updating the game! The whole guild can not complete the Ocean Runes Event that way

09-10-2014, 10:06 AM
This is why I never update until I hear that the update is safe. Zero trust and confidence in Gree. I also have every version of the game's .ipa saved from version 1.9 until now so I can revert back if something goes bad.

Vile Lynn
09-10-2014, 10:33 AM
Same here. I wait to see if it's a good update, but I had to install the app. I wish I had installed before the update came out.

The pop-up should last only about another 3hrs, so hopefully that issue will resolve itself.

Tex ~
09-10-2014, 12:33 PM
Same here. I wait to see if it's a good update, but I had to install the app. I wish I had installed before the update came out.

The pop-up should last only about another 3hrs, so hopefully that issue will resolve itself.

Sure, 1hour and 29 min left, and a day passed by without beeing able to play... It's unfair!

09-10-2014, 12:48 PM
We've let the teams know and they're working on it.

garen argon
09-10-2014, 01:13 PM
We've let the teams know and they're working on it.

this is absolutely pathetic for those still working on the quests. 50 gems won't cover the loss of time and frustration
nothing in the above communication shows any sense of urgency.

09-10-2014, 03:05 PM
I haven't experienced any of these aforementioned problems (very lucky, I know!) but my God it's glacial! Working on Ocean Runes Machine iLTQ, killing the last mob creates an (at least) 30-60 sec lag between mob finishing its death animation and the reward unit finally popping up... twice it never happened, and I had the infamous green checkmark show up in the quest tab thang... I futzed around for a bit, and finally it showed up...

What this admittedly long-winded comment is, is that how is this upgrade an improvement? so far, it was much better before you upgraded it... why is it so damn slow?

Vile Lynn
09-10-2014, 03:52 PM
This same thing happened the last time they tried to "fix" energy glitching... Then they reverted back... something like that.

09-10-2014, 04:18 PM
So now you're forcing us to update to a known broken version to keep playing? Haha, nice job. Took me less than 5 minutes to figure out how to defeat that.

09-10-2014, 04:39 PM
Classy move gree. On a misguided power trip? Most know how well your updates go and thus have avoided the new and improved KA(?) like the plague.

Now we can't even open the game without downloading your broken piece of crap. Please explain to me how this is a necessary update when the game was operating just fine prior to the release.


09-10-2014, 05:32 PM
Why does the avatar move around the maps so SLOOOWLY! Everything takes longer to do now...

09-10-2014, 06:04 PM
Why does the avatar move around the maps so SLOOOWLY! Everything takes longer to do now...
Wow! you can get him to move?
Gree, you may have just forced my retirement.

09-10-2014, 06:08 PM
Wow! you can get him to move?
Gree, you may have just forced my retirement.

Same here. Guess I'll take my money where it's appreciated.

09-10-2014, 06:19 PM
Same here. Guess I'll take my money where it's appreciated.

If you find somewhere to take it, let us know so we can join you. :) :) :)

09-10-2014, 06:51 PM
This is an awesome upgrade. Doing your best to get as many people to quit the game. If this doesn't stop crashing (it crashes pretty quickly on my phone) I guess I will have to leave the game behind.

09-10-2014, 07:09 PM
and why exactly should you have to make up your own tricks to get the game to work properly???....

I actually agree with you Skyraiders. Isn't the point of iOS and the iPhone that things are just supposed to work? I think that this update was not very well tested. They didn't get enough real life users or had enough real life conditions to beta test it in different conditions such as on weak or marginal signals where the game will have trouble syncing. And once the game gets into this state, it has trouble recovering (thus the crashes and all the problems people are having). All of the testing appears to be on a very good and fast wifi connection, which is not how many users play the game.

If there were fewer problems with the upgrades, I wouldn't comment but this seems to be a problem with most of the upgrades from Gree.

09-10-2014, 07:27 PM
Well, I took the plunge. Not that gree really left us a choice in the matter.
I instantly regretted my decision.
All of the afore mentioned is happening to include: ghost kingdom, extremely slow animations, to constant crashing after performing a single action. Completely and utterly unplayable...

How do you expect to make a profit when we can't even successfully complete an in app purchase?

Gree, please remind your pro/dev department (aka preschool interns) that they are coding an app to be run on a small, limited, hand held device. I know you guys are trying to pretend to be a full-fledged Console or PC game like the big boys. But just take a deep breath, count to 10, and remind yourself that you can't even properly code a basic app...

Now... When should we expect the 'fix' to your most recent update / your 'New and Improved' KingdomAge?

Or should we all just quit now? If that's what you want, just say so...

Edit: As an after thought, I'm actually happy that things turned out this way. For all the times boycotts have been attempted and failed, you have single handedly succeeded where so many have not.

You might want to go see the doctor about your foot. It's bleeding quite profusely...

09-10-2014, 08:13 PM
I am having the same type of problems on the iPad 1. I deleted and downloaded the app twice. It will open the first time and let me collect money for buildings. Then it crashes and won't let me back in. It starts loading and then aborts. This is ridiculous. As many have said we have many events going on and losing time not being able to play. Hope it gets fixed quickly.

09-10-2014, 09:10 PM
I was curious so did some experimenting.

I noticed that once the app is open, while your kingdom is trying to load, it will crash without any input from the user normally within 20-60 seconds.

Some buildings will load but will be gone again after reopening the app.

It seems to me, that upon opening, the app is trying to load ALL your game data from the server regardless of what or how much of it was loaded previously. This includes graphics and numerical data like profile statistics and vault balance.

If this is the case...

Gree, remember what happened last time you came out with a major update? That massive data black hole that was eating our data carrier and cable accounts alive?

I'll continue to experiment but would appreciate if someone could also confirm that there is or is not a change in data usage...

09-10-2014, 09:23 PM
I've gone and taken the liberty of reporting Gree to Apple for forcing us to update to a version of the app that doesn't work, amongst other things. I know we've been down that road before, but I'm going that way again. Multiple offenses could get the game removed from the App Store or even Gree's account removed entirely from the store. IDGAF.

09-10-2014, 09:35 PM
Well you all can always come over to Legends at War, it's very similar to Kingdom Age... Oh wait... Doh !!!

09-11-2014, 12:16 AM
It's frustratingly slow, even on an iPad Air... I can't imagine trying to play this on an older device. GET THIS FIXED.

09-11-2014, 03:08 AM
Scratchers are gone as well. Haven't seen them since update.

Just updated on iPad (latest) and on iPhone, it really sucks.

iPad: game crashes while playing the buildings in your kingdom.
iPhone : my stream building is gone....

Besides: still no war prizes, while the game says its calculating.

No more gem buying for me.

Vile Lynn
09-11-2014, 08:04 AM
lol, GREE is boycotting us now?

09-11-2014, 08:33 AM
If you find somewhere to take it, let us know so we can join you. :) :) :)

we already did!!!...pm if your interested

09-11-2014, 09:51 AM
Hey guys,

Looks like the crashes are related to low memory. As a workaround while we apply some fixes, may we suggest closing all other apps while running KA to increase the amount of memory available to KA. Thanks for your patience on this.

09-11-2014, 09:55 AM
Hey guys,

Looks like the crashes are related to low memory. As a workaround while we apply some fixes, may we suggest closing all other apps while running KA to increase the amount of memory available to KA. Thanks for your patience on this.

So data usage IS spiking again?

Vile Lynn
09-11-2014, 09:57 AM
Low memory? Then make the app smaller.

I've deleted everything but KA and it is still crashing.

Vile Lynn
09-11-2014, 10:00 AM
Or better yet, undo the upgrade.

I can't have any other apps running while KA is running, btw.

09-11-2014, 10:25 AM
Keep Calm and Carry On.

I fully expect that this will be fixed BEFORE the wars begin. The revenue loss would be excessive if gamers cannot press the attack button and the buy gems button.

09-11-2014, 10:50 AM
I always force close other apps when in KA... the slowness is just poor coding.

On the bright side, tapjoy is still working for me and the update doesn't appear to be inducing high data usage.

09-11-2014, 11:06 AM
So data usage IS spiking again?
Actually, has anyone checked the data usage? It takes a minute each time to start the game and hitting two mobs or attacking one enemy causes a crash so I can't stay on long enough to see if there is alot of data downloads.

09-11-2014, 05:19 PM
So data usage IS spiking again?

As far as I can tell, data usage is normal. No need to worry unless gree makes another change.

Hey guys,

Looks like the crashes are related to low memory. As a workaround while we apply some fixes, may we suggest closing all other apps while running KA to increase the amount of memory available to KA. Thanks for your patience on this.

This might be possible if it was isolated to one platform and/or all prior generations of that product. But these issues are across the board. This appears to be more than just a memory shortage. Also, your engineers should have the foresight not to create a product that meets or exceeds the capacity of the original design parameters of the device it is being created for. To some, this may seem like common sense.

I'm just gonna go ahead and quote myself now...

Gree, please remind your pro/dev department (aka preschool interns) that they are coding an app to be run on a small, limited, hand held device. I know you guys are trying to pretend to be a full-fledged Console or PC game like the big boys. But just take a deep breath, count to 10, and remind yourself that you can't even properly code a basic app...

09-11-2014, 05:41 PM
Telling people to close apps to free memory on an iOS device shows your lack of understanding of said operating system.

If the app that's currently running needs more memory the OS automatically closes any background app and frees that memory. What remains in the "double click home" menu thing is a list of app history.

This is iOS 101 and just proves that Gree has no idea what they are doing. Quit hiring the homeless people sleeping in your lobby to do your coding.

Gree, please remind your pro/dev department (aka preschool interns) that they are coding an app to be run on a small, limited, hand held device. I know you guys are trying to pretend to be a full-fledged Console or PC game like the big boys. But just take a deep breath, count to 10, and remind yourself that you can't even properly code a basic app...

This isn't even quite right because this game would be a joke on any console/PC. In fact, it should be a joke on a mobile device, but instead Gree developers are so incompetent that they can't even figure out how to make a basic app run without requiring 10x more resources than should be needed. This game has absolutely horrid memory management and leaks so big that Julian Assange is writing an article about it.

09-11-2014, 06:25 PM
Even though you should not have to close all other apps, I have been. It still crashes and is unusable. This better be fixed before the war or I will be very upset.

09-12-2014, 02:31 AM
Telling people to close apps to free memory on an iOS device shows your lack of understanding of said operating system.

If the app that's currently running needs more memory the OS automatically closes any background app and frees that memory. What remains in the "double click home" menu thing is a list of app history.

This is iOS 101 and just proves that Gree has no idea what they are doing. Quit hiring the homeless people sleeping in your lobby to do your coding.

Too bad you're just clueless spouting the constant Gree is clueless line... I'm not a shill for Gree... but you can do some Googling on IOS background processing...

Here's a good link... check out UIBackgroundModes

Which is why powering off/on your iDevice helps clean out background processes too...

09-12-2014, 04:49 AM
Too bad you're just clueless spouting the constant Gree is clueless line... I'm not a shill for Gree... but you can do some Googling on IOS background processing...

Here's a good link... check out UIBackgroundModes

Which is why powering off/on your iDevice helps clean out background processes too...

I'll file this away under "Stuff I Already Know"

Yes, some apps can use this. Youtube, music player. But again, most do not. And on top of that, the apps that do use this must actively be utilizing the feature otherwise they will be culled by the operating system.

Call me clueless all you want if it makes you feel better about yourself. I'm all for helping a charity case.

09-12-2014, 09:34 AM
The war is starting soon. Any updates on the crashing? It's not fair if some guild members can't fight because of this update. Please give us an update.

09-12-2014, 12:36 PM
Let me add one more voice of disgust. I have not got the game to load once since upgrading. It crashes every time I try to launch it. As for other background apps, I have closed everything else. I have rebooted, powered off, and used any other iOS restart method I know of. Uninstalled KA and re-installed numerous times. All with no effect.

garen argon
09-12-2014, 12:56 PM
let's close this thread. we could not play the game without updating. everyone playing has updated.

problems with the update should have their own thread.

09-12-2014, 01:24 PM
BTW, if you purchase the 49.99 pack you get a 35% magic atk bonus. L8er guys.

09-12-2014, 07:20 PM
I thought everything was kosher when I logged in to 'attempt' to collect and my entire kingdom instantly popped up.
That was until tonight when I was warming up for a raiding spree and scoped out the first, ghost kingdom(???) and the app crashed on me.

Gree, we need to have talk...

Meet me after school by the flag pole...

09-12-2014, 07:47 PM
At this point PVP is out the window because we can't even attack or raid without the game crashing.

Please tell your trained apes to fix this issue...

Tex ~
09-13-2014, 02:30 AM
Morning Gree...
found again the pop up message battle health sale I can't close it.
Yes! The Monk!
This means you have done nothing last time it happened, just waited time runs by.... Are your developers in holiday or there is a chance we can see this fixed?
( not to talk about the endeless times the app crashes, especially when scratchers are on, the page did not even loads...., lol....)

1 day and 9 hours left... Tell me if I can consider myself off this weekend :) , it would be very appreciated.

09-13-2014, 02:33 AM
Morning Gree...
found again the pop up message battle health sale I can't close it.
Yes! The Monk!
This means you have done nothing last time it happened, just waited time runs by.... Are your developers in holiday or there is a chance we can see this fixed?
( not to talk about the endeless times the app crashes, especially when scratchers are on, the page did not even loads...., lol....)

1 day and 9 hours left... Tell me if I can consider myself off this weekend :) , it would be very appreciated.

Yes, this is me as well. Popup can't be closed (there is no close button) and it appears every time I start the app.

Also, yes. The developers are on holiday. Permanent mental holiday, that is. A bunch of no talent, no skill hacks.

I wonder if Gree even has a damage control policy. Most companies, after such a disasterous rollout as this one, would have done a rollback to the previous version by now until they could get their act together. But no, not Gree. Turn a blind eye, head in the sand, and keep marching forward. A slow death march.

Tex ~
09-13-2014, 02:38 AM
Gree you have 1 hour to answer then i'll be gone and enjoy my time :)

09-13-2014, 07:28 AM
Gree you have 1 hour to answer then i'll be gone and enjoy my time :)

don't bother waiting just leave now....save yourself the agrivation

09-14-2014, 01:37 AM
Still have that permanent popup with no way to close it. I'm glad to see that this boycott seems to be mostly universal at this point.

We need to keep it going after this war is over and well into the next war if need be. Gree will either have to fix the game or shut it down. Frankly, I don't care which.

Tex ~
09-14-2014, 03:00 AM
Still have that permanent popup with no way to close it. I'm glad to see that this boycott seems to be mostly universal at this point.

We need to keep it going after this war is over and well into the next war if need be. Gree will either have to fix the game or shut it down. Frankly, I don't care which.

Same here, still the same, even the useless scratcher has no button to close.

09-15-2014, 10:31 AM
A hopeful crash fix is coming in the next update. We don't have any dates for release yet. Thank you for your patience.

09-15-2014, 08:30 PM
So what do we do in the meantime when the game won't even load? Our stats, gold, etc are screwed when everyone else is advancing.

09-16-2014, 10:28 AM
The weekly buy bullshıt has under an hour left on it so that means that it pops up everytime the app starts which means for an hour I'm locked out again because I can't close it. I would swap back to my 2.4.5 fix to log in, but trials doesn't show up properly in that version so it's pointless.

Tex ~
09-16-2014, 10:38 AM
The weekly buy bullshıt has under an hour left on it so that means that it pops up everytime the app starts which means for an hour I'm locked out again because I can't close it. I would swap back to my 2.4.5 fix to log in, but trials doesn't show up properly in that version so it's pointless.

You got it! Can't upgrade, no attempts when chests/boxes/shells are up, can't help in guild quests no chance to finish an indi etc...etc...etc... Till the update come, I hope very, Very, VERY soon. :)

09-25-2014, 11:57 AM
A hopeful crash fix is coming in the next update. We don't have any dates for release yet. Thank you for your patience.
I realize that this was no promise and "A hopeful crash fix" is a very weak statement. Anyway, I was still expecting an update to be coming out fairly quickly. It has been over 2 weeks since this has been broke. Obviously fixing this is not a priority and informing the community is less of a concern.

09-30-2014, 08:28 AM
Got the new update last evening. Now the iPad 1 works some of the time. It is still crashing on a regular basis but at least they can collect their gold (what is left) and participate in the raid boss to some extent. I really think it may be time to hang it up for the iPad 1. Can someone give me a link to how to transfer the game to a new device? Thanks!

09-30-2014, 08:49 AM
Always easier to let others do the work, instead of investing 1 min of own time, right? :rolleyes:


09-30-2014, 09:47 AM
Of course it is easier.

Will these instructions work transferring to any device or only the iPhone 6?

Thank you for your assistance.

Dogs Pizza
09-30-2014, 09:51 AM

Do an encrypted backup of your old phone saving it to your computer, then set up your new phone and use that back up. I did this yesterday and my game showed up on my iphone 6.

Last time i got a new phone this did not work, so...best of luck.

09-30-2014, 01:53 PM
Of course it is easier.

Will these instructions work transferring to any device or only the iPhone 6?

Thank you for your assistance.Banshee if you cant transfer by yourself send a ticket to suport with detailed information,your code,last purchase of gems,reason for transfering and if i miss something to mention suport will help you.,
Please next time don't write on old threads,i think its against rules

10-01-2014, 01:01 PM
I installed new update (2.5.1) but game still crashes before loading.