View Full Version : Top 750 Faction with Reasonable Members and Rules Looking for Members Who Participate

09-06-2014, 06:28 PM
Our requirements are Groupme, and participation in all faction events. Gold appreciated, but not required. Most importantly we’re looking for people who want to be an important part of driving the faction forward.

If you can't participate once in a while, no problem, just keep us in the loop! We're humans here, not MW robots.

Here are the rewards we have:

35% Health Regen Time
15% Ground Attack
10% Air Attack
20% Infantry Attack
5% Sea Attack
35% Infantry Defense
35% Ground Defense
30% Air Defense
25% Sea Defense
30% Building Defense
20% Building Output (That's easy money for you!)

All we ask is that you communicate once and a while and offer up a day's worth of cash per week to the Faction. That way we make the bonuses better.

If you're interested, message me. Don't worry if you think you're not strong or leveled-up enough. Let me be the judge of that! ;)

09-08-2014, 07:25 AM
Bumpin'! For now, anyway.