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View Full Version : Top 1000 team looking for more members

08-28-2014, 05:56 PM
If you are looking for a faction, Come to 1Shot2Kill.

We are small but growing. Looking to establish a larger player base and grow into a top 500 team soon. Can easily be done with the right players and strategy.

Since we are small still, we almost always finish the normal/regular events (if they are worth it) and some prestige with help. This is why we are looking to increase our player base and grow stronger across the time zones.

Have several slots available, so looking for single players that need a home and/or a smaller faction that would like to merge with us and make a jump up the ladder.

Willing to discuss options PM me with more details if you are interested.

jj JJ
08-28-2014, 08:33 PM
My faction has slots available it you guys are interested. We could go got a trial run next faction event.

Traditional top 400 team that has transitioned to streaking!!!
Do you find World Domination to be boring? Does your faction have you just show up at the appointed time, hit targets, and you eventually hope to get a descent rank? We have figured out a formula to change that and now find World domination to be fun again.

Wouldn't you like to be in a faction where everyone contributes to the faction goals, freeloaders are not tolerated, and were the main goal is to grow while having fun? If you find that your faction has sucked the fun out of the game, come on over because the water feels great!!

Bravo 501st (Faction ID: 662 915 165)! We are looking for active players who that want to be part of a faction that is growing and normally finishes WD between 325 and 380 without requiring people to use gold. We recently had several players leave and this has created additional openings to bring in active players who would like to be competitive in events such as Epic Boss, Raid Boss, FLTQs, WD, Frontline, etc.

Check out our Bonuses!!! We currently have 77 of them!
Building Defense 35% Max
Building Output +30%
Health Regen -30% Max
Casualty Reduction -10%
Infantry Defense 35% Max
Infantry Attack +25%
Ground Defense 35% Max
Ground Attack +20%
Air Defense 35% Max
Air Attack +10%
Sea Defense +25%
Sea Attack +5%
Guild Increase 1 +10 Max
Guild Increase 2 +10 Max
Guild Increase 3 +8
Guild Increase 4 +4

Faction ID: 662 915 165

Faction requirements are simple. Communication via kakao talk for our chat, 5x iph daily, active in faction events, goal of no less than 10k in WD (no problem if you are active), faction over individual ltqs (as they have the best rewards), and have a descent stat to level ratio.

We use Kakao talk. Send me a message @ jjJJjw1.

08-28-2014, 09:15 PM
Thanks for the offer and thread jacking as well, but no thanks...

jj JJ
08-29-2014, 05:44 AM
No problem. Your quite welcome. good luck to ya

08-29-2014, 06:31 PM