View Full Version : United War Clan - 813 836 373 - Aussie and kiwis wanted

08-24-2014, 03:35 PM
The United War Clan is trying to fill in 6 empty slots.

The current faction members are from across the USA, Greece, Romania, Australia and New Zealand.

We are looking to increase our numbers in the latter time zones.

We are a fairly laid back faction full of working adults mostly so we're not trying to take SUP down exactly, just playing for fun.

We accept players of all levels, if low level then we will help build you up as long as you are active and participate in events, particularly frontline if you're very low level.

We require groupme for communication and grant officer status once installed.

We finished about 1000 points out of the top 1000 in the last WD event. We want to push into top 1000 but we're not going to kill ourselves to make it happen.

Frontline we've been in the top 1000.

Recently in the battle for Bangkok we placed 650.

We are able to finish the easy raid boss no problem, the regular raid boss we've done the past 2 times but its more of a challenge.

Faction Bonuses:

Health Regen Time: +20%
Infantry Defense: +20%
Ground Defense: +15%
Air Defense: +10%
Sea Defense: +5%
Building Defense: +10%

Currently 32/34 slots filled.

Invite code: 813 836 373

PM me in game 444 702 144 if you have questions.

Thanks, have a good one!

08-25-2014, 09:35 PM
Working towards finishing regular raid boss. Be a good tine to join