View Full Version : Top 1000 recruiting looking for officers and co Leader

08-15-2014, 05:40 AM
We are a top 1000team there looking for players we need officers and co-leader
We are 27right now Could be Nice if you join us!


- Active
- Minimum 2000. Influnce points.
- 3x iPH Daily
- donate you bricks
-Use kakao

If this look great for you so please ADD Blackalex on kakao

Crazy Dave
08-15-2014, 06:28 AM
1st Class Crew
Good syndicate has been going through some troubles waters recently. (Was in top 300 as 1st Class Ladies) We are looking to rebuild to get back into the top 300 if possible. We changed our name to show that we are now a different crew!

Our bonuses are excellent, all defense are maxed out but they actually speak for themselves!

Fight Respect Payout +50%
Jobs Payout +25%
Car Attack +25%
Car Defense +50%
Building Output +50%
Melee Attack +45%
Melee Defense +50%
Gun Attack +25%
Gun Defence +50%
Armor Attack +50%
Armor Defense +50%
Explosive Attack +40%
Explosive Defence +50%
Building Defence +50%
Hideout Health +30%
Hideout Damage +25%
Influence Increase +25%

Who are we looking for?
We, just like the rest of the syndicates, are looking for quality players with stats so high that opponents run the other way, players with no real life so hta all your time is used in bulilding up our syndicate!

But who are we really looking for?
Players with attack/def minimun 15k x level id super active, 20k x level if laid back.
Donations are 3x IPH per day until last bonuses are bought, then we ge back to voluntary donations again.
We want a minimun of 100 uzi's and all bricks.
We use palringo just now but are considering moving to LINE. Some of crew inherited from old syndicate are not good communicatiors. I say this not to be nasty, but we don't want anymore. So if you cant be bothered to talk now and then, just don't bother joining.
We want to be a group of individuals who can have a real life, have a laugh, and take the game serious because it doen involve other people. And yes, its just a game!

We are wanting more 1st Class Crew, come on board 174 454 510

08-16-2014, 02:56 AM
Bump bump join now

Slambone Steve
08-24-2014, 09:55 AM
We are a chill top 750 syndicate. We are mostly European and American and we have spots for 23 daily players. Looking to merge with a similar syndicate.
We have 117 bonuses and our Defensive Leader is 20 million and growing. We use Line Chat to coordinate and work very well as a team. The only donations we ask for are bricks and uzis. Cash donations when you can.
Syndicate Invite code is 253 896 498. Message Remco, AC or me Seoyhlta (that is an L not an i SeoyhLta) on Line Chat.