View Full Version : Question Regarding 50 or 55 wins !!

08-03-2014, 10:46 AM
First , u don't notify ur customers that u will be bringing up changes in the event and then in the middle of the event , few players see different splash screens , where streak wins is changed from 60 to 55 , but no info about total number of wins needed syndicate normal prize .

It takes approx of 5 mins to get match up , in 73 hours - that's 365 mins (6 hours n 5 minutes ) , out of 65/66battles , you expect teams to get 60 wins in a row ?

Tadaah or the new community manager of Gree - please clear this question , what's the total number of wins needed for syndicate normal and syndicate elite (streaks )

Do tht much favor for ur customers. Please n thank u

08-03-2014, 12:01 PM

The normal guess work or goal changes mid event are getting exceptionally old.

Is it really that difficult to get your individual pro/dev/admin teams on the same page before or DURING an event so we don't get mixed information?!?!

Is that too much too ask?!?!


Captain Torgue
08-03-2014, 06:30 PM
It takes approx of 5 mins to get match up , in 73 hours - that's 365 mins (6 hours n 5 minutes ) , out of 65/66battles , you expect teams to get 60 wins in a row ?

Quit complaining, the mollies did it in less than a day.