View Full Version : Lucciano 264421360

08-03-2014, 10:38 AM
This syndicate was formed in February of 2013, before the first battle event. We have been around since the beginning.. Consistently a top 250 Team until a recent split in members. We now have 30 spots open and would be willing to talk merger. We would be open to merging into another syndicate if the bonuses are a lot better, but would prefer to preserve the 18 months of work we have put in with this one and have people come to us. We use Line App for communication. Active participation is the main requirement. PM me to talk more...

Here are the bonuses:

Fight Respect Payout: 50%
Jobs Payout: 25%
Car Attack: 25%
Car Defense: 50%
Building Output: 50%
Melee Attack: 25%
Gun Attack: 25%
Gun Defense: 50%
Armor Attack: 40%
Armor Defense: 50%
Explosive Attack: 25%
Explosive Defense: 50%
Building Defense: 50%
Hideout Health: 50%
Hideout Damage: 25%
Influence Increase: 25%
Syndicate Member Increase: 40
$7.5B in syndicate bank currently

08-03-2014, 11:48 AM
Here are our finishes in every battle since the beginning:

Battle for Midtown - 395
Packer Heights - 288
Market Plaza - 272
Civic Center Rumble - 288
Docks Under Siege - 314
Red Light District - 204
Monument Park - 344
Ellis Island - 319
Boardwalk Bash - 304
West Side Standoff - 227
Graveyard Rampage - 376
Financial District - 400
Chinatown - 238
Club District - 294
Nightlife District - 438
Seaside Shootout - 281
Trackside Slums - 515
Bay Harbor Brawl - 432
UN Massacre - 295
Hospitality District - 378
Russian District - 322
Black Market Event - 331
Downtown Domination -191
Deadman's Pier - 264
San Juan Showdown - 414