View Full Version : Indian Nation Recruiting

07-27-2014, 09:55 AM
Indian Nation

So you want to fight? You want to battle alongside of CC’s longest running Crew?
Then join Indian Nation !

We finish SLTQs and The Raid Boss events…

We have set minimums in place for event participation and war IP

And let’s face it people just LUV us :cool:

We require...

•Kakao app for communication and coordination of events

•Ability to hit min ip established based on war placement goals. (we do have 10/10 IP bonus)

•Donation of in game cash…

•Active participation in all syndicate events (SLTQ and Raid Boss). LTQ optional but require uzis donated to syn.

•Ability to have a target in each war. Last war we faced off against many of the top 10 teams and if your attack isn’t high enough to score on those teams you will have to figure something else out for ip but we can figure out options.

http://s30.postimg.org/d03us6om9/teepee.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

So Pick Out a TeePee, Grab your Tomahawk, Take a Hit off the “War” Pipe and Join ~The Indian Nation~ as we go to War!!!

PM Swearengen, Raven or Fuzzy

07-27-2014, 10:02 AM
Lets do this!!
Bump For Indians.. Bump for Nation!

07-27-2014, 11:09 AM
Bump for Nation!

07-27-2014, 12:01 PM
Just be sure you research the history before you join them...

sister morphine
07-28-2014, 12:53 AM

Ignore Dippy. He's just angry Indians won't have him! ;)

07-28-2014, 05:11 AM
Just don't give lupo firewater or let joeycool see a woman.

07-28-2014, 05:49 AM
Shocking DipS_it trolling the Indians! LOL - he luvs us.

Bump for the Nation

Pudgy Pumpkin
07-28-2014, 11:55 AM
Great crew!

07-28-2014, 07:01 PM
Top 50? Didnt u guys just miss top 50 this last war?

07-29-2014, 05:58 AM
Now Rambo trolls - shocking since he got booted - lol... NEXT

U can can see the LUV I mentioned. Nation Rocks...

La Femme Nikita
07-29-2014, 12:45 PM
Best Syn on Planet CC...

07-29-2014, 01:04 PM
Lol yeah delete my messages to hide the truth from people.

07-30-2014, 05:45 AM
Right the all power me deleted your thread - LOL, like I said before sees things the way he wants... NEXT...

Bring On the Nation! Join the FIRST, THE BEST, THE ONLY CREW worth joining

08-03-2014, 06:47 AM

08-03-2014, 09:12 AM
Right the all power me deleted your thread - LOL, like I said before sees things the way he wants... NEXT...

Bring On the Nation! Join the FIRST, THE BEST, THE ONLY CREW worth joining

Right up until other "crews" existed. Remember lupo's bet with paulio that you guys would win the first war? Lol.

08-03-2014, 11:47 AM
Anyone give you a seat for RB? LOL ... NEXT...

08-04-2014, 12:12 PM
I'm waiting for a response

08-04-2014, 12:26 PM

Butt Futter
08-05-2014, 03:51 AM

Hi guys! Hope things are well.

08-06-2014, 06:52 AM

shadow stalker
08-06-2014, 10:23 PM
Bump for best bullies ~ The Indians™

08-11-2014, 06:34 AM
Bump for the Nation

08-12-2014, 05:49 AM
STLQ Done - next.............

08-14-2014, 05:55 AM
Join the Nation.... Or Get Scalped!

Barlow the Redhead
08-14-2014, 11:57 AM
Bump for Bullies, bump for Nation👊

Barlow the Redhead
08-14-2014, 07:18 PM
Bump for Bullies, bump for Nation👊

08-18-2014, 10:49 AM
bump for the nation...

Butt Futter
08-19-2014, 04:29 AM
hello friends.


Love the H8R thread. lolz

And Reutdog. So sad. Doesn't do crap for 3 wars and got the boot.

08-19-2014, 12:21 PM
We are still here knocking down level 100 bosses with 0 jumpers....still have a few open spots

08-19-2014, 12:49 PM
Lol. Gree locked the other post? It didn't even make it past 3 pages. Everyone here has to geta kick out of that right?

08-20-2014, 10:27 AM
Bark bark - Nation kicking ass - join THE Nation :-)

08-20-2014, 11:41 AM
ITT: A few old timers recruit noobs to help them try to relive the "glory days" before actual syndicates existed.

08-21-2014, 05:56 AM
old timer like yourself - right... Go back to begging for a RB seat - LOL

Barlow the Redhead
08-21-2014, 04:52 PM
Bump for Bullies, bump for Nation👊

08-21-2014, 04:58 PM
Haven't been hit by an Indian in months. So old I think they lost their teeth. "Bullies" my ass.

Barlow the Redhead
08-21-2014, 05:05 PM
So bitter, but thanks for the bump😘

08-21-2014, 05:21 PM
Bitter? You guys define yourselves as "bullies" and can't back it up. I'm calling you pansies out.

Too bad lupo deleted that thread where he bet his account that you'd win the first syn war... Where'd you end up, t25? T75 these days?

Barlow the Redhead
08-21-2014, 05:57 PM
Says the brony😂


sister morphine
08-22-2014, 08:18 AM
Haven't been hit by an Indian in months. So old I think they lost their teeth. "Bullies" my ass.
They must all be too strong to appear on your rivals. Or did you dump all your mob? ;)

Bump for Nation

08-22-2014, 10:25 AM
Oh yeah... I'm hiding. eyeroll.jpg

08-22-2014, 10:36 AM
sorry diipy ur stats sux so we don't see u too much - lol must be the fact u can't even buy a good RB seat with all your cash... :-)

sister morphine
08-22-2014, 01:09 PM
Oh yeah... I'm hiding. eyeroll.jpg
It's not for lack of looking. I did see your posts on Babytway's wall earlier. ;)

08-22-2014, 01:21 PM
Wait, you mean I can trash talk you with impunity and you can't even back up your pathetic threats? REALLY??

Captain Torgue
08-22-2014, 02:05 PM
Yeah really, back up your threats bronies!

08-25-2014, 09:26 AM
Bump it...

08-26-2014, 04:56 AM
first page here we go

08-26-2014, 05:51 AM
up up and away...

08-26-2014, 11:48 AM
Scalping them one at a time...

08-27-2014, 06:28 AM
one more time

08-27-2014, 03:02 PM
Love for the Indian Nation!

La Femme Nikita
08-27-2014, 03:06 PM
The bad guys of CC :cool:

08-28-2014, 10:14 AM
if your name is fearless in game, seen u, u have no room to talk - lol

08-28-2014, 10:49 AM
Tell Morphine to give me another link. I enjoyed giving her 20 hits every couple hours.

08-28-2014, 11:13 AM
sure will, i enjoyed tapping ur hood a few days ago myself.

08-28-2014, 09:26 PM
Tomahawk Chop!

Barlow the Redhead
08-31-2014, 07:57 PM
Bump for Bullies, bump for Nation👊

09-01-2014, 04:13 PM
bump to the top

Barlow the Redhead
09-02-2014, 06:57 AM
Bump for Bullies, bump for Nation👊

09-02-2014, 07:08 AM
What's the kakao chat group name ? Let's talk if you have spaces! Mines kodie0311

09-02-2014, 07:48 AM
This thread sure does spend a lot of time on page one. That means one of two things, this syndicate either has trouble attracting new members or difficulty retaining members. Based on the comments in this thread, both could be true and neither would be a surprise.


No bump since this was at the top already.

09-02-2014, 10:45 AM
Since he's blocked me from his wall like a pansy, I'll ask here. Any idea why Fuzzy's defense went up 12 million in the last 8 hours?

09-03-2014, 10:16 AM
he must be haxor - lol idiot

09-03-2014, 10:19 AM
actually we have full syn currently and have a few waiting in line but thanks for the concern - lol

And yes like ALL syn we do recruit, some stay, some leave, some jump out for a war or event or Real life issues. Maybe your new to this game...

And if this stays at the top then apparently I am doing what I should be.


09-03-2014, 10:49 AM
Since he's blocked me from his wall like a pansy, I'll ask here. Any idea why Fuzzy's defense went up 12 million in the last 8 hours?

Stepped out of syn for my own syndication to sync my buildings.

I had know syn bonuses....That's the only way you can see me cause your stats suck.

Now you are crying cause I still have you in my news feed and I am milking you like a cow.

09-03-2014, 11:01 AM
Just know my attack was 10m above your defense when I went to sleep, then woke up and you increased about 12m. You can feel free to take a couple million every 6 hours or so. Just don't spend it on firewater.

09-05-2014, 12:32 PM
Bump to the top for Indian Nation

Luv4UR Mom
09-05-2014, 04:37 PM
Just don't spend it on firewater.

Everyone knows Indians drink 64oz bottles of Crazy Horse

09-06-2014, 09:24 PM
Tus 🔓recruiting open🔓 top 500 join now!!!!!

09-13-2014, 04:05 PM
Bump to the top

09-15-2014, 05:52 AM
http://s13.postimg.org/c41bdtzh3/indians_pic.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

09-15-2014, 12:32 PM
We Finished Last Raid Boss, Did you?

Join Indian Nation ...

09-16-2014, 05:08 AM
Looking for a few good players...

09-16-2014, 05:10 AM
Indian Nation finished the raid boss....did you ?

09-17-2014, 05:44 AM
Bump it up ...

09-17-2014, 12:26 PM
up to the top

09-18-2014, 06:01 AM
The nation - rocks -

09-18-2014, 06:58 AM

09-18-2014, 08:54 AM
Hope your saving up your pennys to try and buy your next RB seat - LOL

09-18-2014, 09:02 AM
Hope you're having luck recruiting enough short term spenders to pay your way for you :)

09-18-2014, 10:26 AM
Silly horse talks without the real info, but that's what trolls do I guess. LOL

Actually doing great, almost a full squad, and we are not asking specifically for spenders... spend if you want, don't spend if you don't want, just make min ip, make donations, and be active.

09-23-2014, 04:07 PM
Bumpy bumpy

09-25-2014, 09:36 AM
To the top...