View Full Version : Go Pokes! Looking for active players

07-04-2014, 08:23 AM
Go Pokes! is recruiting. At present we have at least 4 open spots. We are open to all players across the world. We are very interested in adding to our Euro and Australian presence, or anyone fighting during the US overnight hours. We are looking for active players, but we do realize this is a game and real life comes first. We have great group of players that is a mixture of gold and free players. We have slipped a little, but we are usually top 250.

Our past performance in WD : France 314, Mexico 192, Italy 70, Netherlands 214, Cuba 339, Chile 190, Turkey 125, Finland 302, Mongolia 228, Armenia 176, Zambia 245, Greece 351, Indonesia (Jakarta 24hr) top 247, Indonesia 282.

Our bonuses are currently:
Infantry Defense +35% Max
Infantry Attack +20%
Ground Defense +35% Max
Ground Attack +15%
Air Defense +35% Max
Air Attack +15%
Sea Defense +25%
Building Defense +35% Max
Health Recovery Time -30% Max
Buildings Production +25%
Casualty Rate -10%
Guild Increase +32

Active in all faction events
min attack/defense 20mil, but varies based on level.
20k WD points
Group-me app
No minimum cash donation, but at least 1x iPH is suggested
Donation of Raid Boss folders
Gold not required, but welcome.

Give us a shot. Go Pokes! 955817338.

Go Pokes! Recruiting' on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://groupme.com/join_group/7487947/LsSG6k

07-04-2014, 08:23 AM
Still have room would like to fill empty spots before WD