View Full Version : Range Batt Recruitment!

07-03-2014, 08:58 AM
Top 500 faction recruiting daily players. Members are required to get group me, donate 20 times iph per week and participate in all faction events. Bonuses include:
inf att +10%, def +35%
Air def +20%
Ground att +10%, def +25%
Sea def +10%
Regen +30%
Building Def +20%
Building Output +15%
+20 guild increase

If this sounds like to team for you, hit me up!

07-24-2014, 11:19 PM

07-28-2014, 11:26 PM
Hi there. Saw your recruiting ad. We are restating what was a successful and crazy fun faction.

At the restart we only have a small core of our original group and so have a ton of slots open. The Bonuses are great! (See below). The few not going anywhere players are great.

I am posting to see if you want to bring your officers and team en-mass up for a visit to do the LTQs and Raid Boss events until the next WD together. We will get much further if we combine forces.

More info on our faction "Fully Boosted" is below and how to contact me is below.


Fully boosted has strong Faction bonuses, though we have not yet achieved the goal of being truly "Fully Boosted"

building output +30%
health regen -30%
infantry defense +35%
ground defense +35%
building defense +35%
air defense +35%
sea defense +35%
infantry attack +30%
ground attack +20%
sea attack +15%
guild increase +36
casualty rate -14%

We use GroupMe for communications, as much as will be required.

How to contact me.
- Join the FB Welcome Chat Room https://groupme.com/join_group/9248512/idDpUW
- Send us the email address you use for GroupMe and we will add you to the room( cobratxt-fbfaction@yahoo.com ).
- Join the faction: Fully Boosted Faction Code: 846-786-743

07-29-2014, 02:14 AM
Top 150 faction with all bonus maxed out looking for american players only

We are a maxed out faction

We finish prestige on the raid bosses

We finished the 5 days epic boss

We usually finish FLTQ (did so on the last 6)

WD in which we finished top 150
Zimbabwe top 121
Peru top 123
Jarkarta top 86
Greece top 121
Zambia 148

American players only
Need to use groupme
23k minimum WD points
Donate all folders and concrete
Having fun playing the game and chatting with people from around the globe
Female members are welcome and will find a friendly environment (we have 2 ladies already and they feel at home).

Klick the link below and join our recruitment room
