View Full Version : Observation

B Legit
06-25-2014, 08:57 AM
Not advertising for a guild

But just making an observation that I hope helps out.

Over the past few months there have been hundreds of new guilds pop up, created by people who were former members of higher ranking guilds who think they have some crazy new formula to create the perfect guild. Well what's this created? Parity, and too much of it. There are now hundreds of half full guilds who desperately need members. Put your ego's aside GM's of those guilds... 100 guilds full of active members > 200 guilds half full. But then we have 100 GM's who have to step down, and god knows they all are waaay too good at being a GM to do that....

We have about 50-100 guilds that claim they are top 25, 300 who claim to be top 100, hundreds more who claim to be top 250/500 etc. This isn't for me, I am already in a stable top guild, but I've seen far too many good players putting up big pts for a "Top 100 guild, building for top 25" that places 200th, when they could be doing that for a legitimate Top 25 guild and get the rewards they deserve.

Rant. Over.

06-25-2014, 09:56 AM
Couldnt agree more, i see it all the time.
Gemming / bringing mercs for one time push to have your guild name up? Whats that worth? And what will be left after it for the players that have applied?
Also seen the method nowdays to build up a guild, powerful gm carrying bunch of kids that needing the prize then semi leeching it.
Once that carrier is burnt out - you get another dead guild. No solid foundations.
There are simply not as many decent player joining KnD as the good old retiring veterans.
Starting a guild nowdays is nearly impossible and requirs luck to work with solid members as start.
My exp showed me no shortcuts, sometimes you just have to walk down the long path.
That one carrier would have enjoyed much more and wouldnt have got burnt out if he was playing in a fully functional guild and would even contribute greatly to the already solid guild, i guess sometimes you just want that extra 10%...

B Legit
06-25-2014, 10:28 AM
Great response Shadow. But I would have to say I do not agree that there are more solid players retiring than good new players. I just think that these new players are far too spread out, they simply do not know where to go. They see 200 guilds advertising for Top 50, and they join one that is really in the 150's. That doesn't mean he isn't a good player, simply that he is a good player in a bad guild, and leaving a real top 50 with an open spot he could have filled. Often times when a good player gets in a bad guild, he does exactly what you said, and retires because they are getting no help. So if you are a newer player with real ambitions to compete in a top 10, or 25, or 50 guild, do NOT get sucked in to these guilds full of fake promises of growth, less than 5% actually get to where they say, instead find a solid guild with veteran members who will help you grow without forcing you to sacrifice so much.

06-25-2014, 10:44 AM
it's too easy to create a guild.
Guilds should also expire if requirements are not met.
How about guild fusion!

06-25-2014, 11:05 AM
As a brand new player, and one of the posters of a "new" (more or less) guild, may I share with you some of my observations?

1) it would be helpful if there was a deletion of any failed guilds. Call housekeeping please. That done,

2) I sent applications in-game to a number of guilds when I was Lvl 11. None of them wanted me. I accepted the one that did, and I've never looked back.

3) there are many good players out there on their way to becoming great, but the doors are closed to them because they are not level 100 yet. Yet.

4) no offense to those who gem their eyes out to get (and keep) 1-25th place, but the amount of money one would have to spend weekly in wars is frankly obscene. I'm quite happy to be a free gemmer every war unless the price drops dramatically. I'm happy there are "mom and pop" guild out there who are competitive, but never to the point that all the fun is leeched out of it.

5) some players might prefer belonging to a tight-knight clan rather than a huge conglomerate where they feel they have no voice.

I'm just saying you have a point, but there might be more than a one-size-fits-all solution. :)

B Legit
06-25-2014, 01:51 PM
As a brand new player, and one of the posters of a "new" (more or less) guild, may I share with you some of my observations?

1) it would be helpful if there was a deletion of any failed guilds. Call housekeeping please. That done,

2) I sent applications in-game to a number of guilds when I was Lvl 11. None of them wanted me. I accepted the one that did, and I've never looked back.

3) there are many good players out there on their way to becoming great, but the doors are closed to them because they are not level 100 yet. Yet.

4) no offense to those who gem their eyes out to get (and keep) 1-25th place, but the amount of money one would have to spend weekly in wars is frankly obscene. I'm quite happy to be a free gemmer every war unless the price drops dramatically. I'm happy there are "mom and pop" guild out there who are competitive, but never to the point that all the fun is leeched out of it.

5) some players might prefer belonging to a tight-knight clan rather than a huge conglomerate where they feel they have no voice.

I'm just saying you have a point, but there might be more than a one-size-fits-all solution. :)

Rook, I get your points, but you have not been around nearly long enough to comment on this one bud, sorry. You completely missed my point. Yes, lower level players need their places, obviously. That is not even close to who this was aimed at.
There are plenty of "doors to greatness", you're in one now. This is talking to the players who are already there.

I started in a "mom and pop" guild, you have to obviously, and that's the reason many guilds have subguilds (although I know ADN doesn't believe in them), to help low level players progress.

Like I said, your points make sense, but really have nothing to do with my original statement.

06-25-2014, 02:19 PM
Fair enough. ;)

It might help your readership to know whom it was addressed to. :)

P.S. I'm not a male, but you can call me bud if you wish! *grins*

06-25-2014, 03:25 PM
As a brand new player, and one of the posters of a "new" (more or less) guild, may I share with you some of my observations?

1) it would be helpful if there was a deletion of any failed guilds. Call housekeeping please. That done,

2) I sent applications in-game to a number of guilds when I was Lvl 11. None of them wanted me. I accepted the one that did, and I've never looked back.

3) there are many good players out there on their way to becoming great, but the doors are closed to them because they are not level 100 yet. Yet.

4) no offense to those who gem their eyes out to get (and keep) 1-25th place, but the amount of money one would have to spend weekly in wars is frankly obscene. I'm quite happy to be a free gemmer every war unless the price drops dramatically. I'm happy there are "mom and pop" guild out there who are competitive, but never to the point that all the fun is leeched out of it.

5) some players might prefer belonging to a tight-knight clan rather than a huge conglomerate where they feel they have no voice.

I'm just saying you have a point, but there might be more than a one-size-fits-all solution. :)

hi Rookeye,
B Legit referred to "people who were former members of higher ranking guilds who think they have some crazy new formula to create the perfect guild".
I agree we mostly wont accept lower level members simply due the reason that we made a huge progress since we started, fair to say - when everyone are level 100+ and with epics, bringing lower levels will overall be unfair decision towards the crew, youll simply want to conserve and improve your current status and not walk backwards.
We started just like you described - all gem free and still are, the strongest in the guild had moonpie back then and the one after had non plus eb.
we nurtured and grew many lower level members, needless to say its alot of work to do all the explaining and tutoring.
I didnt really observe the %, but only 20-30% out of the beginners you nurture, actually make it to the 100+ and continue to develop themselves after.
there were many players joining and retiring getting tired of it, eventually from the 20-30% from recruits - most in the guild became veterans and reliable.
nowdays our main applications are from top50 guilds / the level 11 players that grew in lower guilds but seek for more because their guild maybe failed to get better and more active.
finally ill say that I completely agree with you about the one family unit feeling, thats why above all, we kept this our priority #1 and thats how its going to stay.
40 family members which I know good enough to the core.

06-25-2014, 03:48 PM
B legit knows I perhaps misunderstood his primary statement. We're good. *hugs* ;)

B Legit
06-25-2014, 03:53 PM
B legit knows I perhaps misunderstood his primary statement. We're good. *hugs* ;)

Yes we are good, BUD (that can be a gender neutral name right? :p ) and Shadow you worded that very well. I was not explicit enough in my description.

B Legit
06-25-2014, 04:12 PM
Also, side note regarding the family atmosphere. I know that ADN is very difficult to get in to because they refuse to push people out for reasons many others do, creating a family atmosphere that looks out for one another. Us at Team Unicorn are very similar, we don't accept just anyone. When we do get new members they generally stay for a very long time. Without looking I would guess that 75-80% have been in TU for at least two months because of how they are treated. Our guild chat is ALWAYS very active because the people love each other, they fight harder in wars for each other, and make sure we get our goal because they don't want to let one another down. The family atmosphere is definitely the best way to create growth within the guild.

06-26-2014, 04:51 PM
Agreed: I'm gonna fight harder for a close-knit group I feel I know. :)

06-26-2014, 05:20 PM
Y'all are an awesome community! It's great that you can all voice your opinions and share in a constructive way. Just wanted to give everyone in here a little Kudos. :D

06-27-2014, 08:49 AM
B Legit,
Just want to say that I agree with your obversation!