View Full Version : Top 500 in main wd events. 49/50 with 1 spot left

06-12-2014, 06:58 PM
I'll be re arranging our faction line up for the war tomorrow in a couple hours and if we could get that last seat filled by then that would be good. We have been finishing in the top 500 for the past several wars and need to get in a few more active members so we can increase our guild and continue on to become a top 400 team in future wars. We do not require gold use at all and what little some of our members do use it it is on rare occasions when they simply don't have the time to participate but still want to do their fair share. We have been around since the 2nd wd event and we have a good core group of active members that have been with the group for some time. We do require the use of our chat app palringo for all faction events and we also have a 5 times iph daily donation. We have a decent night crew but more help in those off hours periods for us u.s. players is always welcome also. Any questions let me know and our info is below

06-13-2014, 06:43 AM
Still have a spot open